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BM Strategy/CC against DES and LBM/BD?


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Other than my 2 air combos that I can sometimes kinda pull off against des and lbm, I can't really cc them because they're basically always immune to stun and daze (my two gapcloser cc's)... my 2 kd's are both melee range only, meaning I can only use them when I have z and if they somehow avoid my z I'm basically *cricket*ed. On the other hand, especially with des, if they catch me in one combo I'm basically dead =/ 


Is there anything I can do to at least win against them half the time?

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I'm not too good against them so can't really help you too much :/    I can tell you though that while they are spinning, they are vulnerable to certain skills like the assassin's tab swap (as long as you don't activate it at the first half-second of their spins, during which not only are they invulnerable but they can even stun if you hit them).


Btw I think it'd be better if you posted this thread at the BM section.

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KD > Rush (Stun) or Shoulder Charge (Daze+approach) should work. Also, you can put them to unconscious state by Booting them while spinning and use LMB. Take that from Hajoon's basic lessons. :)


And yes, don't get hit while they're spinning. They run out of focus when they spam it but gets 5-30 focus when hit.

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