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Put Kick Timers on SSP


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Since SSP channels have caps limiting the number of people per channel, I think kick timers should be introduced to the area.


On Iksa-poh it is an everyday occurance to see 15 or more players on the field not participating in the match and instead standing there lifeless until Grindtooth appears. They coast off of the work of others and clog up the channel while waiting for their moonstones,  and while they do that they're blocking people who actually want to participate from getting into SSP because the channels are full.


These guys are as bad as the dungeon AFKers and the system currently rewards them with moonstones for being lazy.


Putting an AFK/kick timer on the field, dependent on movement and DPS (as in actually engaging an enemy) would force them to either participate or get the hell out of the channel.


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not sure if it's possible to make kick timer on channels for that but if it IS possible - I'm with you on this :o

any afker of ANY SORT if it's in dungeon or pvp content..... ssp is probably 1 of the main ways to get moonstones these days (for those who can't beat d crap outa naksun yet or undergeared for bg lol)...


if there are afkers in ssp area they should somehow get booted out of the area or get teleported to square after x amount of time of not being active during the event.


I'm on windrest and we don't really have that problem in fact it's always 1 channel belongs to reds 1 to blues I'm not sure if in certain hours of the day there are more than 2-3 active channels for ssp, I could be wrong thou.


the game has so many flaws of all sorts that I'm not sure they'd even bother with this situation but gl :\

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