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Returning player with some questions.


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In light of sounding like an old grizzled 40 year old.  TL:DR at the bottom to ignore irrelevant war story

Back in my day Blade masters took more skill than anyone else to be successful with.  Pvped myself to the number 7 spot  For them back in season 2/3  Those were my glory days.. mmm.. 


Decided I'd come back to the game because honestly.. I miss the hell out of it. and want to return.   I started making a soul fighter when they came out and enjoyed it to the point I wanted to re-roll it because of how easily they roflstomped summoners (PTSD talking) 

However Upon checking the forums to see how PvP was looking in the arena setting class and skill wise. I saw a Thread complaining about our lovely sword slicing class. 

I went in there to laugh, (based on the old information) At how stupid that seemed coming from a summoner. Until I opened up the YT link.. 

I watched lightning draw crit for 12k. (I know that one as mine used to crit for about 9-10k depending on the damage roll. And I had the wrong HM page but it was the easier to obtain and was the only HM skill available.  However my jaw hit the floor seeing a 5k flametongue and then two more after each critting for about 7300.. 

When did this happen? 

My question is this; what's the new build for BMs how are they THAT strong in equalized PvP? Should I come back as a BM and just cheese everything? 
TL:DR  Version Came back from hiatus, apparently BMS are Op now? What build? How to become?

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Don't listen to any of that.


That summoner tabbed a KNOCKDOWN against a BM who still had ALL his cooldowns, when he had full HP advantage and could clearly afford to take a bit of damage. That's just plain being bad and I'm sure if you were #7 spot you should know this pretty well. 


There are very specific windows where a fire build BM can do damage and if someone doesn't know how to tab at the right time against that, well guess what tabbing vs lightning is much harder to know when because a lightning BM can do damage at all times, just not as much. Fire BM is much more predictable to play against so if someone gets caught by it, they would lose to lightning build as well.

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1 hour ago, Avalyn said:

Don't listen to any of that.


That summoner tabbed a KNOCKDOWN against a BM who still had ALL his cooldowns, when he had full HP advantage and could clearly afford to take a bit of damage. That's just plain being bad and I'm sure if you were #7 spot you should know this pretty well. 


There are very specific windows where a fire build BM can do damage and if someone doesn't know how to tab at the right time against that, well guess what tabbing vs lightning is much harder to know when because a lightning BM can do damage at all times, just not as much. Fire BM is much more predictable to play against so if someone gets caught by it, they would lose to lightning build as well.

So basically it was just another butthurt player complaining.. Good to know but holy hell that damage.. <3 I wasn't buying it until other players joined in, then I started to worry. Shoulda just went with my gut, thanks for the input.


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