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Dev's read and do something


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in the last couple of weeks i have encountered a problem that i hope the Dev's should look in to


there are players that enter a party in the dungeons and will not play , they will follow the party in the Dungeon but do nothing


and we can't do any thing to make them leave or kick them


if you can't add a kick button then at least give us a report button you can call it (( report non participant player or report leecher or whatever .... ))


i have been seeing at least 2 players per day that do that so it's not something rare and it's not only low leveled players


i had players that are level 50 HM 9 - 10 and 11 doing nothing in dungeons


make it so if a player gets reported let's say 10 times within 2 days his account gets suspended for a week or two


or make them unable to participate in party dungeons for a week or two or something ......


if not i will start posting the names and pictures of the players so it will be a shaming post and i'd rather not do that

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Especially with daily challenge this happens, and it happens in manually picked groups too - f.e. necro "i will do soulward with XXXX" and XXXX never moves, is camped at start of map, until cores are done. All get into palace, we wait for XXXX, and again it never moves at boss fight. Its just example, i encountered many many this cases in any dungeon. I suspect dual boxing or some kind of this stuff.

Point is, theyre not only in LFP, but manually picked groups as well.


EDIT: btw one might wonder, whats even point of reporting anything/anyone, seems it just gets ignored. F.E. ssp hackers, hundreds of reports, even videos, and after month you see them still around.

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I see this happening more and more often,players just don't participate in dungeons ,excusing themselfes here and here for some issues in RL-yet they mostly probably will afk entire dungeon ,just moving to next portal once you finished the boss,going to next one. It really need to be solved ,i don't feel like doing 6 man and to 4 man it (in the best part ) -or worse do 4 man and wasting time cus you will be forced to 3 man it if someone keeps afking.It denies the others effort and participation.It should be like if they did x dmg to the boss - and I mean all bosses in dungeon -they they can take reward or even participate in bids.Would be great if devs would look into this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Firstly, I have literally only seen 1 person do something like this in the 9 months I've played this game. (name was Jhonnii, a warlock, not doing anything in Soguns the entire run)


Secondly, if NCSoft were to add a vote kick function, then over half the players would immediately leave this game, reason being it would be very unfair on lower level players, as they would not be able to get into most dungeons due to being kicked because they're 'too weak'.


However yes, something should be done, for example adding reporting for inactivity, rudeness, ect, and perhaps having someone actually act on and punish them, would encourage people to not do it.

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On 14/09/2016 at 8:05 PM, MAX2016ACE said:

in the last couple of weeks i have encountered a problem that i hope the Dev's should look in to


there are players that enter a party in the dungeons and will not play , they will follow the party in the Dungeon but do nothing


and we can't do any thing to make them leave or kick them


if you can't add a kick button then at least give us a report button you can call it (( report non participant player or report leecher or whatever .... ))


i have been seeing at least 2 players per day that do that so it's not something rare and it's not only low leveled players


i had players that are level 50 HM 9 - 10 and 11 doing nothing in dungeons


make it so if a player gets reported let's say 10 times within 2 days his account gets suspended for a week or two


or make them unable to participate in party dungeons for a week or two or something ......


if not i will start posting the names and pictures of the players so it will be a shaming post and i'd rather not do that

Wont Nasme and shame get you banned as its bringing attentiuon to other people and be littling them. This problem won't go away just like the problem they don't do about botter's or gold seller's.


Great block gold sellers now got over 200 blocked what then..

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