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(Advice)New skills, new setup


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Since the new skills came out and horned slash changed how do you guys set those up now? like before we would stun flicker and also stun horned slash and just continue spaming horned slash till the end of the rotation but now since they changed it, how have you guys managed around this? have you changed to both fire flicker and horned slash or? Ty ty.

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It's hard to put in effort to reply and explain something when you don't yourself. At least let us know if you mean PvP/PvE and if you want lightning/fire build or bigger damage (fire in that case).

What rotation? The fundamental thing was getting focus and ani-canceling before.

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5 hours ago, Stormpooper said:

It's hard to put in effort to reply and explain something when you don't yourself. At least let us know if you mean PvP/PvE and if you want lightning/fire build or bigger damage (fire in that case).

What rotation? The fundamental thing was getting focus and ani-canceling before.

For pvp! xD

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