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Summoner Bee build time?


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I like playing arena, but now with all the skill changes, It just feels weird to play pvp. Are summoner bee builds gonna be better than the sunflower in 1v1 and tag match? Any insight on these new skills, Suggestions or skill tree builds would be helpful to me. 

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Ur moonbeam skill thingy is just "F" button spam in PVE when a boss is grabbed by a BD or a Des. Bees and Sunflower has a different uses. Bees is better damage, and can hit enemies in the air, meaning u can air and dmg combo someone while sunflower does not hit air. However bees can be blocked by projectile blocking skills, while sunflower cannot. My Summoner is a lvl 49 Hm lvl 2 Summoner on Hajoon, I haven't played it in a bit, but when I did use it I was in top 85 of all summoners. I usually use Bees against every class except other summoners. Fm I will switch depending on their play style. 

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I think against sins you still want to use sunflower as you can use it to snipe them out of stealth and sins are now (kinda) encouraged to run projectile/heal smoke bomb anyway as party decoy will disable you from getting stealth from your stealth smoke for 30 seconds every time you use it. And seeing how summoners bees got buffed... i´ll expect summoners to play with bees against me for the time being so...


Sniping sins out of stealth with sunflower is actually pretty groath. Decent sums nowadays can do that pretty consistently and if you miss you still get 2 more tries.

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