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Class Changer Item

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9 hours ago, spongemike said:

I would use it. The way how this game punish alts is unreal. You have to grind everything from the beginnging. I have a ton of weapons/accessories.siren/priate emblems Mushin tower emblems on my main that I love to transfer it to my alt but I can/t. I do want to try to do more difficult dungeons with my alts but the grind to hear up is too hard. Is not just the materils and gold but also the breakthrough weapons/accessoires.

I assume I am the minority who enjoys that process since I am so greedy on my main that I don't want to spend anything I get on that char. Instead I always only use mats I get on alts.

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On 7/22/2016 at 8:55 PM, SilentOne said:

The game is not melee unfriendly. You just have to actually USE SOME SKILLS instead just stay away and pewpew. Because this is what do you consider fun, right? Stay still and spam attack skills mindlessly?

Yes, this game is one of the most melee-unfriendly games I have played.


If you think USE SOME SKILLS = MELEE UNFRIENDLY, you are pretty ignorant of the fact that melee needs to constantly iFrame, dodge and block/counter attacks.


And the ranged classes in this game are straightaway OP. Every single ranged class. Ranged classes are supposed to be glass cannons. And by no means, are any of the ranged classes in BnS are glass cannons.


And this does not end here. Every single Melee has iFrames having times like 0.5 secs, whereas Ranged have iFrame as high as 10 secs and party wide.

Here is the example - The highest iFrame BM has is 1.3 secs. The highest iFrame Summoner has is 5 secs and FM has 10 secs.

Moreover, all melees need very accurate timing to iFrame. A bit of lag and you are dead.

Meanwhile, FM can just cast Frost Sheath and wait for the enemy to hit. Same goes for Summoner.

While melees have to use all of their iFrames and then some at Nightmare phase of Scorpion Queen at Necropolis, ranged can ifarme half of the hits with one long duration iFrame.

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