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"Received items" bug


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I can't received anything to my "reward" inventory. Today I tried purchasing 8 summer chests from hongmoon store. My hongmoon coins got deducted, and I saw the reward box icon glowed, but when I checked my received items, there was no any chests. Same case happened when I tried purchasing my last 10 free hongmoon unsealing charm ticket. The reward box icon glowed, and a message of successfully purchased was there but I did not receive the expected item. Furthermore, I did not receive my last five daily dash rewards. Am I the only one having the same issue?


UPDATE!!! I solved it by unpacking more items. I have too many grayed out items in the received item. 

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4 hours ago, Soulman88 said:

This just happened to me as well. I just submitted a report but I would like to know from others if theres a way to fix this issue.

As the op's update says unpack items in your rewards. You do not have to put them in your bag just unpack a few things. There seems to be a limit to the amount of items that can be "packed" so you h ave to unpack items to get more.

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