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Rich Quartz


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I've had some problems in game. I dropped some silverfrost pickaxes from daily boxes. My friends said me: "U should go and mine the rich nodes". I looked for it like 3 weeks, and the all rich nodes in silverfrost are always gone and i said whats wrong? Are the rich nodes bugged? Well, I found out my answer: some players are controlling the rich nodes in moonwater and silverfrost (gold sellers?). But this is unfair for everyone's gameplay if always same clan names are picking up the rich nodes as a bot. We, as normal players what can we do?
NCSoft could fix this problem very easily, the respawn timer is 3 hours and if this could be changed to RANDOM who is lucky can take the quartz. Thanks a lot. I hope u will help us as normal players for a more fair gameplay.

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The good medium nodes are good enough now they buffed up the drop rates. Rich quartz is unfair by definition. I'd rather go and mine the medium nodes that drop 3 to 6 quartz, than have a string of bad luck. There is nothing sadder than getting 1 quartz from a node.

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I totally agree with Soqa and AngryAle and I have to state my point too: I managed to drop by luck some of the silverfrost pickaxes and also crafted a lot of them, so one day I decided to go after rich nodes. I said: maybe people are going for them too, but if it's necessary I will wait for them hours and I will get at least 2 rich nodes for my upgrades. Why buy when you have pickaxes? So then, I prepared myself and went for the nodes. What happened? I lost more than over 3 weeks, staying late at night to find AT LEAST ONE.SINGLE.RICH.NODE. Did I get one, you ask? NO. Same bots, same people. I didn't.. get .. one. One. I have screenshots If u want to see them. I wasted a lot of time and I consider this thing really unfair. This is not fair. Rich nodes are for everybody, not only for bots. Please do something about it.. . Thank you!

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