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Oathbreaker Weapon Skin


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Hi everybody.

Lets assume following scenario:


I have a awakened oathbreaker weapon stage 10. I really like the look of this weapon, but if I transform it its appeareance would change. So I would like a way to keep the appearance of the weapon as it is now even after I transform it to the new weapon.


Is there a way to do this?

Specifically for the oathbreaker weapons I couldn't find a way to purchase them anywhere so I could use their skin.

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There's no way as of now other then to make a 2nd Awakened Oathbreaker and fuse them. I would like to point out that True Oathbreaker is just a slightly whiter/brighter version of Awakened Oathbreaker, so it's not too big of a change. Personally I also like the Awakened/True Oathbreaker look. would be nice if there was an easier way to keep the skins.

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