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Assassin: Spinal Tap not working as intended


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Spinal tap applied to bosses does not apply Stun effect, therefore assassins cannot use it to combo stun and disable bosses. 


apparantly this is not true of every boss, for example i can use the spinal tap lightning rod combo on the bosses in mushins tower and it works fine. 


however using spinal tap on Yeti results in a resist and no credit towards a successful cc.


ive read the skills description and there is no reason why this should be happening, the stun does not have any prerequisites therefore the mob im hitting with it should not make a difference.  

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Not sure what level you're at, and can't really remember gameplay. Can't get the launcher to work either, so I can't test it out. However, I do believe that certain boss NPCs have resistance, blocked, or nullified by class type. The effects also may not happen longer than a second or two.

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