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Kfm Stance: Top / Fm stance: meh


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Hey Folks,

since the SF release i lvled (lvl 50/HM6 soon 7 ) , geared up (579 ap) atm and did some testing for this class. And i really gotta say i like the KungFu stance and really dislike the Elemental stance.


The KungFu stance got nice dps, mostly singletarget but speccn rmb t3s4 results in pretty damn good aoe dmg too and keeps enemy perma frozen. Especially cool while lvling. Id love to have shorter cd on counter but well with short cd q/e i feel like tanking bosses is easier then with my kfm. Right/left punch+lmb spcc seems to go off way faster then cobalt punch/breaking claw lmb but maybe im just doing the ani cancel there wrong yet. with specced 3 + base 4 you got 2 KD wich is nice so you can cc bosses. It also would be nice to be able to specc ground ripple and leg sweep into dps skills rather then CC like BM/kfm can do. but well not a deal braker for me it would jsut nice to have a skill that makes sense to use on cc immun targets. Only thing for me to complain atm is when breeze kick and iron shoulder are rdy, breeze will have to be used first wich is stupid since you wasting its 3 energy stack gain. Compared to kfm pretty satisfieing, really good well though through class/stance.  I think propably after sin highest melee dps. With all that evades/counter and def cds we d be super fittet to tank if we just had a aggro modifier (and ofc one of the rmb punches would make sense to rework so bonus dmg from behijnd isnt wasted) but i often have to tank anyways when no kfm/Bm is in grp so np on that. Really super happy with KungFu stance overall.


The elemetal stance though...well i was comparing KungFu stance to kfm lets do the same with Elemental stance to Fm:


"Sir your Kingsize Penthouse Suite is unavailable at this time and we had to downgrade you to the janitors closet. we are sorry"


Srsly, i LOVE being able to switch to ranged. Its awsome...in theory. But switching to Elemental stance is only good for using the 2 abilitys wich raise Chi lvl by 1 or make use of the double stun glacial beam. Ok if you fail to dodge bosses attacks and need to back off since your healthbar is critical Elemental stance is better then standing arround stupid till potions or chi burst get rdy. But if you know the bosses/played vs them as BM or kfm before its quit easy to dodge their attacks and you dont need Elemental stance for that occasion. No matter if you specc burning tundra and lmb/rmb while it runs (yeah rmb 13k crits cool) or do whirlwind with ripplepunch and rmb just keept pressed, yeah even then with the 45sec cd Elemental stance "ulti" skill running you dont do the same dmg as in KungFu stance. Ripple/whirlwind looks good with 700-1,5k ticks/sec + 11-12 k crit rmb with fast speed but since its rmb only you miss the lmb dmg portion (at least for me its impossible to lmb/rmb ani cancel that skill though its supposed to be insta cast ?! ) Burning Tundra (who ever renamed a "ice rain skill" that way /slap ! ) +lmb/rmb does 1,5k lmb+13,x k rmb crits + the 1,2-2,4k ticks/sec but its casting is little slower. Im not 100% sure but i think when it comes to dps i can beat both "ulti" skill combos with lmb/rmb/f in KungFu stance. I just feel like Elemental stance is missing a speccable  F button you can use on lmb or/and rmb crits ?! (maybe a windstorm variant ?? we never use that skill in pve anyways ) Displace is nice dmg (medicore for its cd) and utility wise kinda *cricket*ed up since melee will puke if you use it on trash (KB just sucks for melees) and if you want to use it on bosses you basicly switch to a ranged stance to use a skill wich has to be used from almost melee range...kinda pervert ?! Frost nova cant be easily paired with a second daze and therefore is not that great. Luckily we can specc that one CC into a dmg skill... unfortunatly it does really medicore dmg ( could be raised a little at least its a 24sec cd and doesnt even to twice our rmb ?!) und even more unfortunatly the S3 form chills enemys instead of giving us a Chi stage =( Glacial Beam is cool on yeti and stuff where you need the cc but it does shit dmg has long cd and no options to specc it into sth usefull when you dont need the cc (and unlike ground ripple it simply has 1 skillable down path so there d be room for sth like that) And Windstorm stage 2...should be removed/reoworked. you cant build 5 stacks Chi in that stance and even if you reach that stage you NEVEREVER want to use windstorm instead of going Kfm stance and do Frost Storm ! I dont expect elemental stance to do top dps like Fm (god beware anyone could beat their dps ! xD ) but having the option to be ranged more often (more then the 4x3sec frost storm or the 10sec whirlwind each 45sec) would be great !


This is no whine threat, overall im quit happy to have rerolled on that class from former wl main (wich is strong in pve too but kinda booring) It just seems SF, especially Elemental stance isnt finished yet and still needs some polishing. hope to get some feedback (especially if ripple punch is possible to ani cancel since that skill is totally useless without whirlwind)



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1 hour ago, Pestiferius said:

Only thing for me to complain atm is when breeze kick and iron shoulder are rdy, breeze will have to be used first wich is stupid since you wasting its 3 energy stack gain.

It doesn't get wasted. Once you get 10 stacks of energy, those stacks get consumed to give you the Full Bloom buff, but you can still gain additional energy stacks while you have Full Bloom. So in your example, you would use Breeze Kick then Iron Shoulder, which would leave you with 3 stacks toward the next Full Bloom, plus the 1 Chi level.


And about your Elemental Stance point, I feel like it's not really meant for DPSing bosses, but more so for AoEing mobs, or during things like Terrors which are a nightmare for melee classes. It's more about having the option to switch to Elemental Stance when dealing ranged damage would be more efficient, rather than having them be equal in DPS.


Besides, if they had equal (or even comparable) DPS in both stances, nobody would really want to use Kung-Fu Stance, since Elemental Stance would be so much safer.


Also I don't believe it's possible to ani cancel Ripple Punch (but I could easily be wrong, only tried it for a few minutes), but it can be kind of useful for AoEing enemies in situations where they won't group up properly or easily.

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" And about your Elemental Stance point, I feel like it's not really meant for DPSing bosses, but more so for AoEing mobs, or during things like Terrors which are a nightmare for melee classes. It's more about having the option to switch to Elemental Stance when dealing ranged damage would be more efficient, rather than having them be equal in DPS. "


True but as you said if it comes to stuff like terrors it would be nice if it was at least 50% of the Fkm stance. Given you manage to recast burning tundra 2 times you do about 8slightly less ) dps as in kfm stance. but tundra is max 12 of 45 sec uptime wich means roughly 1/4 of the time. Tundra not up Elemental stance is really sucky dps like 35-45% of what Kf stance can do. It definitly shouldnt be better then melee since noone would melee then but it could really use a little buff like windstorm speccable to use after x crits (or whateffer trigger effect) Its just unfortunate if you have fights where you use max half your skils since you dont need/want to go ranged (and maybe cant even make use of ground ripple and leg sweep)

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Well I kind of agree that Ranged isnt at its best but you gotta admit 1 thing...




Anyway, FM stance not that worthless its just about ur rotation bro. Start a fight however you want but i usualy do it this way:


F (B kick)

RB (till i get 10 stacks)

F (iron shoulder) 



RB (About 3-5 hits)

3 (DMG spec ofc)

RB (Continue till ur chi stack is almost gone)

2 (Adds another chi stack)



F (B Kick)






Done. This is the most decent rotation i have found atm and i didnt include Z+V cuz u know how to use that stuff anyway.

All you need in this rotation is a 12 secs max in FM stance and rest u spend dpsing on KFM stance, I didnt add above but use F with chi lvl on resists and the block with chi lvl (implying u are not tanking) as well and you will be such beast at making chi lvls



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