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Arena Private Mode


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Can we have something to make private 3v3's and 1v1s. Also don't you get bored of sparring in the same map? Can we have like a map selecting system?

oh yeah and the most useful one would be a spectator mode.

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Private 3v3's / 1v1's ? There's the sparring button (at the bottom right with the other icons) allowing you to invite other people to duel against them. Unless you mean something else ?
I didn't try 3v3 sparring, no idea how it works.

Spectator mode is on its way, supposed to come out during summer.

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Just now, Yashuoa said:

You can already do 1v1 and 3v3 sparring.
There is a sparring button where you can write down the name of who you want to spar against and than you will challenge that person, who can accept the challenge.

For 3v3 sparring, just challenge the party leader of the other 3v3 spar team and you can spar with 1 team vs the other.

oh that's awesome so 3v3 spar existed :D! well still I wish we could play on more than 1 map tho :(

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17 hours ago, RavTH said:

Can we have something to make private 3v3's and 1v1s. Also don't you get bored of sparring in the same map? Can we have like a map selecting system?

oh yeah and the most useful one would be a spectator mode.

You can already do 1v1 and 3v3 sparring.
There is a sparring button where you can write down the name of who you want to spar against and than you will challenge that person, who can accept the challenge.

For 3v3 sparring, just challenge the party leader of the other 3v3 spar team and you can spar with 1 team vs the other.

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