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Which HM lvl and HMsecret techniques needed in arena?


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Which HM lvl and HM secret technique books do you consider needed for FM to work well in arena?


I heard something like that you kinda need tier 5 stage 1 impact (the 0.5sec melee counter).

Is this correct?

Anything else?


I found a post from a while back from Madoshi (a great FM), who also talks about Jaesung (another great FM).

Jaesung didnt play FM in NA back than, because FM didnt have the 0.5 melee counter impact yet

and Madoshi asked NCsoft for it back than. Letting the devs know that and why  FM needs it.

Post dates from 2015 november (from when people were still max lvl 45 in NA/EU I believe).


See link for the post below.


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I didn't really start hitting my stride until HM 6 or HM 7. There were so many different skills I needed to have points in - Frost Armor, Frost Sheath, Glacial Beam, Frost Fury, knockback + daze Dragonchar, 16m Phantom Grip, T4S1 Divine Veil, T3S2 Firestorm (deflect + air launcher), Rising Blaze (secondary air launcher), snapcast Inferno, Meteor Shower... I've probably missed something too, there's so many different things that an FM needs in order to survive specific situations or do particular combos.


HM skills that would be nice to have;


- HM Impact is top priority. This makes several nasty melee matchups (BM, KFM, pro Destros, and Assassins) much easier to handle. Right now I find staying alive against good KFMs a real pain in the ass. With HM Impact I'll be able to block their 16m range flying kicks and their air-launcher uppercuts without using a dash.

I'll also be able to hit into a Destro's C i-frame (Searing Strike) and be able to block their follow-up (Scorching Strike) without using a dash.


- HM Dragonchar T5S2 looks really handy. It's the one that can break through Defense/Deflect. If a BM is block spamming in front of you, you'll be able to directly hit through it. Tech chase their F (Retreat) with Glacial Beam and you'll either burn their Tab or be able to combo them. Much more reliable than that pathetic Snowball, seemingly the worst defense breaker ability in the entire game.


- HM Phantom Grip also looks really nice. T5S1 will let you disable Defense for 6 seconds, allowing you a window to absolutely murder BM/KFM players.


- HM Shadow Grasp (also on 4) will also unlock Chi Bomb (on Stage 3) or Multiple Blaze (Stage 4). Chi Bomb has a 2.5s cast time, hits once and can crit for roughly 10k (I think?) in arena. Multiple Blaze casts instantly, and can hit 5 times, and if every hit crits should do 20-25k damage in arena. However, it must be channeled and it can be easily dodged/interrupted. Frost Prison will help you to land both spells consistently.


Other HM abilities... err...

HM Inferno T5S2 is something that players can already access. It's not that big a deal, but the extra damage on stunned/dazed targets + guaranteed critical hit on stunned/dazed targets is a good way of making sure your X hits for all it's worth.

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On 6/5/2016 at 0:26 PM, Talinoth said:

I didn't really start hitting my stride until HM 6 or HM 7. There were so many different skills I needed to have points in - Frost Armor, Frost Sheath, Glacial Beam, Frost Fury, knockback + daze Dragonchar, 16m Phantom Grip, T4S1 Divine Veil, T3S2 Firestorm (deflect + air launcher), Rising Blaze (secondary air launcher), snapcast Inferno, Meteor Shower... I've probably missed something too, there's so many different things that an FM needs in order to survive specific situations or do particular combos.


HM skills that would be nice to have;


- HM Impact is top priority. This makes several nasty melee matchups (BM, KFM, pro Destros, and Assassins) much easier to handle. Right now I find staying alive against good KFMs a real pain in the ass. With HM Impact I'll be able to block their 16m range flying kicks and their air-launcher uppercuts without using a dash.

I'll also be able to hit into a Destro's C i-frame (Searing Strike) and be able to block their follow-up (Scorching Strike) without using a dash.


- HM Dragonchar T5S2 looks really handy. It's the one that can break through Defense/Deflect. If a BM is block spamming in front of you, you'll be able to directly hit through it. Tech chase their F (Retreat) with Glacial Beam and you'll either burn their Tab or be able to combo them. Much more reliable than that pathetic Snowball, seemingly the worst defense breaker ability in the entire game.


- HM Phantom Grip also looks really nice. T5S1 will let you disable Defense for 6 seconds, allowing you a window to absolutely murder BM/KFM players.


- HM Shadow Grasp (also on 4) will also unlock Chi Bomb (on Stage 3) or Multiple Blaze (Stage 4). Chi Bomb has a 2.5s cast time, hits once and can crit for roughly 10k (I think?) in arena. Multiple Blaze casts instantly, and can hit 5 times, and if every hit crits should do 20-25k damage in arena. However, it must be channeled and it can be easily dodged/interrupted. Frost Prison will help you to land both spells consistently.


Other HM abilities... err...

HM Inferno T5S2 is something that players can already access. It's not that big a deal, but the extra damage on stunned/dazed targets + guaranteed critical hit on stunned/dazed targets is a good way of making sure your X hits for all it's worth.

On that note about Snowball , I thought I was the only one who thought that lol, ppl who are "pro FMs" religiously say "just use Snowball on BMs" im like... You do know BMs can stop blocking let it hit them and cast block immediately after ? , thus making the 4 fking points put into that stupid skill COMPLETELY USELESS. So i mainly depend on the defense blocking on Aerial Phantom grip + Bolt Dash combo.


- Having HM Impact T5S1 is a God send, It has helped tremendously vs KFMs and Destroyers, BMs and BD are still tricky simeply because their melee approach skills are faster than KFM or Destoyers so its still really difficult to use HM Impact to counter them w/o spamming it.

 - - - Additionally, the attack from HM Impact can be parried , even thought you still counter their hit as well, therefore you are still stunned -__- this in my opinion is counter-intuitive for having such a nice HM skill , that it can be parried easily,  leaving the poor FM still vulnerable to CC combos. the developers need a slap for leaving so many loop holes in the skills and mechanics.


Everything else you said are also absolutely correct and very helpful to new players to FM pvp skills. gj gj

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Thanks for the info.

Nice list.


I feel similar in pvp so far.

As in I still lack several hm lvls to reach the talents you mention.

Also I have zero hm secret techniques and I could really imagine some making quite the difference.


All the HM secret techniques that you listed are live already?


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