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Best Hurricane against Assassins PvP?


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Hi, I have trouble with assassins in PvP.  Does hurricane work well against assassins?


They always seem to react and anticipate my moves, and in haste I pop most of my abilities and cooldowns and give them the upperhand.  They counter very easily and can predict my moves.  They keep a respectable distance and can see my blitz and ram coming.  If I hit them with blitz (daze) and it connects they F out of it.  Then they are far enough that if I ram them for a followup they can see it and escape or counter it.


Anyways, does Hurricane work against assassins?  I do have luck with it, resisting stuns.  Should I put points into Hurricane?  Which tier/stage should I get?


Also, the assassin I was fighting would keep like a 8m distance from me when not in stealth.  I can hardly approach him successfully without being countered some way.  What should I do.  Walk around in circles with him?

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imo the best is reflect one (last row with 2 points) 0.5 sec dmg ressist +reflect but you need to be rly good at timing it, get hogmon emberstomp wich gives you stun ressist it helps alot too. Im using kinda cowardish tactic but im wining alot fights againt them ,  using stun tayphoon and trying to reflect their CC and furry dmg them if i fail and they escape pop Emberstomp near wall and do nothing dont spin  just stay in circle untill your CCs are up again, then same tactic spin to reflect CC and try to catch em in ani- cancel stun lock. When you cant see nothing just ss to wall and use Block shild.


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