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Why RMT is a Mistake (Short Version)


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Most people that read this probably already comprehend this pretty well, so I'm not going to be long here. Also I apologize but my title is going to be slightly misleading because RMT isn't really the only problem here, it's really more like the approtch NCsoft and Blood Lust have taken toward trying to turn a profit :

MMO economies run on three things items, players who need those items, and people willing to sell those items.


As long as there is an item worth selling there are going to be people to buy that item regardless of the price.


If you create items of worth and put them in a cashshop people are going to use real money to buy them.


If people who don't have money encounter people who do have money they will do one of two things :
Cry salty tears or find an alternative


NCSoft's decision to add its own form of RMT might actually be hurting the game, because it enables the gold farmers a means to competitively open the door to the 'have nots' in a way that could in the end actually be destructive to the game. Granted it's not always the 'have nots', let's not be naive about this. If it's cheaper to buy gold and convert it to Hongmoon coin than it is to buy the items straight off the cashshop, NCsoft's problem is obvious.

 Honestly IMO? NCsoft and Bloodlust's biggest mistake was selling anything in cashshop that wasn't just simply cosmetic and making it available in anyway other than simply putting in effort to the game. I mean effort that DOESN'T include the in-game economy like it does now. 


You've opened this door, Loves. You have no one to blame but yourselves.


Well yourselves and the idiots buying gold.


Sorry this is longer than I meant for it to be.

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Well this game is using the same strategy as Aion. Aion was a decent game when it had a monthly sub but has been getting worse and worse for years. I was a bit surprised to see they basically released BnS as a cash shop/p2w game. I figured they would wait a year or so.

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All your points are valid, nevertheless I'm pretty sure NCSoft knew about this kind of black market... Is there a possibility that they are behind Gold sellers? Why wouldn't they stop "bots" that in theory take money away from them?? Are they part of that too??


For sure, we will never know, but the lack of efforts to stop them makes me believe that they just allow it to happen.

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