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Is Esport Pay to win ?

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Is our arena a real E-sport ? if it is why there is such HUGE HUGE HUGE DIFFERENCE beetwen lvl 50 hm 1 and lvl 50 HM 10 (let's say mirror match)  WITH ALL HM SKILLS ?!?!?!?!?!
Is this what you call e-sport ? well let me tell you its not u cannot call something ESPORT if arena depend on your lvl and how much gold you spend for HM skills 
in battleground its ok to have difference in skills and hm points but in ARENA its not  IT IS NOT FAIR to call your arena ESPORT 

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no, the "e sport" in BnS is pay to play.


Where a real sport would not have you unlock your abilities, just learn them, BnS fails because it forces PVE onto those people wanting to just play another Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Soul Caliber, Tekken, etc type game.


The difference in players in NA/EU between PVP and PVE style play are so vast they would rarely meet. You have the hardcore NFL games players (this would be your PVP) and your Final Fantasy VII, XenoSaga, Star Ocean, etc players (this would be PVE) and they rally don't share gaming preferences...except for one. They don't want to be forced into the others game. Why should they be? PVP should have all max skills points to use in Arena, and all skills unlocked from the moment they step into the arena.


The boon to this wold even be on the PVE side because it would allow players to learn how to use their skills and build their skill tree for PVE after playing through arena.


That Imp BnS recently dropped BnS tournaments form its e sports offerings because BnS doesn't classify to them due to its PVE requirements. They even posted some survey on Tweeter to try to get it changed so that the e sport will continue again rather than being a joke.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Let me explain.

blade and soul is E sport.


if we speak nonturnament time, yes u need to farm for skill and expirience, its game mmo!!

when its tournament , it will not be you;re charster as usually, it will be another server, with fixed leg skills open, fixed leg points given, fixed level, fixed stats.

tournament server is like one big city and nothing except arenas, there no mobs, locations and etc.


i hope u get answer. 


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