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petals chi restoration invincibility.


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Hey guys. I've been noticing that I put petals on top of chi restore people and they still can die. O.o yes, it's tier 3 petals. Max petal tier!! But why can they die sometimes. Someone said it was invincibility for until alive again even if petals are gone. Also, it seems to be summoners that are dying under my petals...i think? Could it be that cat guard does not allow you to uptake tier 3 petals chi invincibility? Anyhoos. Someone please tell me why people die even with petals while they are currently restoring chi because I'm not imagining things. :(

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They can die if they are not restoring chi... So if the person doesn't start restoring chi even if petals is on them, it won't work and they can still die... But if they are dying while restoring chi then I have no idea, sounds like a bug.

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Guys. I know how it works. The problem I'm seeing is that people still die. Mainly summoners. It's worked perfectly fine when i put it on other classes. And yes, i drop it when theyre currently restoring chi. Then in my head, im like "theyll be ok", so i just run around doing whatever and then i hear that they died and im like wtf? So I'm wondering if cat guard messes it up. Because when other summoners put it on me when I was in 4 man yeti, I had the invincible icon, but keep in mind, I never use cat guard, because I'd rather sit it down as a tank until immediate danger arises. Also, not to be rude...just wondering why would anyone think I was putting it on top of random people not in my party. They died when in a 4 man dungeon with me in their party with petals on top of them while they were in blue, restoring chi mode. And just for clarification, petals still works, like when a melee dies, I put petals on his chi restore, and the boss is like fighting right In front of his chi restore ass and he safe. All the times a death happened, it was usually a summoner 

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22 hours ago, Coenna Fanfir said:

It's probably cat's guard stance problem. I noticed it long ago when one zerk tried to build his igloo on me when i used cat's guard stance and then i died xD

Oh, I'm not sure if that works the same as petals, but thanks for the confirmation! :D I guess I won't really drop petals on summoners as much. 

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