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PvP balance idea

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I get that people can hate a specific class because its aperently really strong against yours. But im not going to talk about diffrences of classes here. Im talking about level balance. Blade and Soul tried to balance levels by making everyone get free extra levels so you would play as a level 50. Is that not balanced? Well quite not. Of I play as level 20 gaining 30 free levels. Im using level 20 equippment that ain't buffed aswell. Playing against a level 40 that then gains 10 free levels is going to be ising level 40 equipment. Npw thats going to be a beatdown for the level 40. Doesn't matter the class diffrens. The level 40 is going to deal about 3 times your damage and have more evolved abilities. Call me crazie but I rather wait 3 extra minutes, pr 10 if thats happening to fight somebody closer to my level than getting shit on by a high leveld guy. 

PvP os not just for the level 50 players right?

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Your equipment doesn't matter in normal arena, it does however matter in 6v6 whirlwind valley but that's a different thing. Only difference level will make in normal arena is the availability of skills and skill points. Highly recommended to do arena only after level 45 since you'll have all your skills, if you feel your level 45 skill isn't something that fits your pvp play style, feel free to start earlier.

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well, consider this, the lv 40 guy has worked his way up those lvls and so he'd obviously be expecting some results while on the other hand the lv 20 guy has probably just started off or maybe he's just trying a new class, whatever the reason, do you really think it would be fair to the lv 40 guy if lost even after working his ass off for all his equipment and skills? no offence but the lv 20 guy is also give an choice of either lvling up or just be grateful for being given those extra lvls to make the fight a bit more fair. think about it man, what you are saying is that lv20 vs lv40 isn't fair even if their lv is equalized, right? then that would mean that lv 50 vs lv50 HM10 isn't fair either cuz they have some extra skill points, hell, it would also mean that lv 50 HM10 with not final tier skills vs lv50 HM10 with all final tier skills unlockes isn't fair either? now i'm not angry or anything cuz i'm a lv 38 KFM myself but i just want you to think about what you're suggesting here, those guys work their ass off to get as strong as they are just to get their butt kicked by a lv 20 guy just cuz he didn't think it was fair for a lv 20 to lose against a lv 40 because he had better gear. that's really selfish on the lv20 guy's part when he could just be a little more reasonable and just go and lvl up like any normal person would.  Oh, btw, there's an XP even going on right now so that lv20 guy could lvl way faster if he tries.

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My intention to this wasn't to make the level 20 to win over the level 40. I want people to be able to control if they rather wait few extra minutes to queue up against equal levels instead of finding a game in 5 seconds to get wrecked

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8 hours ago, Morfarsan said:

I get that people can hate a specific class because its aperently really strong against yours. But im not going to talk about diffrences of classes here. Im talking about level balance. Blade and Soul tried to balance levels by making everyone get free extra levels so you would play as a level 50. Is that not balanced? Well quite not. Of I play as level 20 gaining 30 free levels. Im using level 20 equippment that ain't buffed aswell. Playing against a level 40 that then gains 10 free levels is going to be ising level 40 equipment. Npw thats going to be a beatdown for the level 40. Doesn't matter the class diffrens. The level 40 is going to deal about 3 times your damage and have more evolved abilities. Call me crazie but I rather wait 3 extra minutes, pr 10 if thats happening to fight somebody closer to my level than getting shit on by a high leveld guy. 

PvP os not just for the level 50 players right?

The only diffrence is that the level 40 has more skillpoints, both your gear is equalized, if they have everyone do this then they need to have HM5 vs HM5 and so on and the total pool of players you can potentially fight against gets smaller and smaller and everyone will be waiting minutes instead of seconds.


Just level up...

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