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I want to apologize in advanced if I seem idiotic, but I'm very unfamiliar and uneducated about connection and such.

Do the channels at all affect your connection?  By any chance are the channels set up in different states to best suit the variety of players around the country (addressing the NA server).

My friend and I often disconnect from the game when waiting at loading screens to enter dungeons and transferring to different regions. I got the idea that perhaps it's because of the channel we're in. One day I used the cross-channel party option, and I found loading into dungeons to be 99% faster. Being uneducated, I made the hypothesis that maybe I was switched to a channel that was closer to my location. I'm not sure who to talk to about this, but if my hypothesis is correct, could someone recommend me a channel close to southeast region of the United States? I'm sorry if this is really stupid, but I'm curious, because my friend and I both love BNS very much, but it's sometimes difficult to play since we often DC. Thank you for all replies to come. 

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I don't think channels work that way. Some Asian games (I haven't played that many so I won't say that all have this system) rely on channels because, as you may have noticed, every other area in this game is basically instanced. This means the terrain and NPCs and objects are all there aside from players. In order to not clutter the landscape and virtual space too much and with too many players, channels are devised to house a certain amount of players in them. If the amount is exceeded, the channel is then locked for new players who get in the area (that's theoretically, in practice it's different) and a new channel is opened for those.


Also, everything you play in is on a server located in Texas I think (not sure for NA, I'm from EU) so it's more likely it's your location than what channel you're in. Now, the only thing that matters about channels and you getting disconnected (as far as I can think of) is that you wind up in a channel packed with people which in turn makes the game update positions of other players and their effects and their skills (and basically everything else they do) slower which causes you to disconnect. But if you already stay away from those packed channels, then the problem is somewhere else.

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No problem. I'd still advise you to check up on background processes your PC's running, as well as the firewall (is a bit of a long shot but your firewall settings may tamper with the game). Also, if you are running Windows 10 on your PC, try updating the software, I had a similar problem while I was running the game on Win 10. Also, try to browse these forums (or make a thread if you can't find anything) with your PC configuration so that more experienced people (than me) can check it and tell you if it's the problem in your rig. If all else fails, you can always contact the customer support and check with them.

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