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Thanks for the hackers


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Tried to really be patient with this game... Really did. But of course, as always, hackers and bots get ignored and everyone else gets shit on by Bots and Shit...


And the best part about it is, ever since I joined BnS, there's been constant attempts of breaches on my other stuff on other websites and MMOs. And before the whole "you have a virus/You just using the same password on erythang" comes up, I have a shit ton of passwords that I have to literally list them down in my notebook so I know which password is for which website/game etc. (which never leaves the comfort of my home nor does it have the emails or logins so to others, its just a list of shit lel, it has website and the password, that's it) and I scan my computer on a weekly basis with 3 different anti malware/virus scanners. 


In the wake of it all, I guess I'm out. If they wanna go ahead and ban me or something over this thread, pfft go ahead. The amount of times I've tried to show a positive output on this game can only go so far. 

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I think NC prefers the hackers and bots to be there, if we cant get soulstones from the plains easily due to bots, and people are allowed to run rampant with speedhacks to get them with prestige, then all those people who pour a grand into RNG boxes wont mind spending another grand on all th mats for thier shiney legendary right?


I think they stand to lose more from dropped subs but that option seems to float thier boat right now.

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