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Cheap sins


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I have no trouble fighting sins. But sometimes, I fight these sins who hide all the time, not even attempting to kill me but gathering score by throwing shuriken or something. They literally don't fight and gain more score by attacking opponent once in a while in invisible state. I usually win when sins 'fight', but some wait until time out. Something should be done about this, it is not fair, and ruins pvp experience for many people.

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First of all: You are playing a destroyer right? 


If yes then it's your class fault which FORCES us to play like this. 

A good destroyer is basically nearly impossible to kill as an assassin. 



1. Spin, spin, spin - we can't make a reliable opener other than tabswitch and ice bomb-stun against you. 

Both can be dodged if you play well (ice bomb is easier to dodge than tab switch though) 


2. IF we land 1 opener you can just escape and punish us to let us use one of our escaping skills. 


3. If we land the 2nd opener you can just blue buff out of it and punish us hand to bait out the 2nd escape. 


Now everything you need to do is get us with one of your billion CC's and rek us down. 

Seriously if i ever see a destroyer complaining about sins playing the stalling game then think about the op-ness and counterability of your class because you said it already: you win pretty much every game against assassins IF they play normal against you - simply because destroyers counter us so hard that way. 

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1 hour ago, Shiune said:

First of all: You are playing a destroyer right? 


If yes then it's your class fault which FORCES us to play like this. 

A good destroyer is basically nearly impossible to kill as an assassin. 



1. Spin, spin, spin - we can't make a reliable opener other than tabswitch and ice bomb-stun against you. 

Both can be dodged if you play well (ice bomb is easier to dodge than tab switch though) 


2. IF we land 1 opener you can just escape and punish us to let us use one of our escaping skills. 


3. If we land the 2nd opener you can just blue buff out of it and punish us hand to bait out the 2nd escape. 


Now everything you need to do is get us with one of your billion CC's and rek us down. 

Seriously if i ever see a destroyer complaining about sins playing the stalling game then think about the op-ness and counterability of your class because you said it already: you win pretty much every game against assassins IF they play normal against you - simply because destroyers counter us so hard that way. 

This is ridiculous. Assassins counter destroyers. We don't need to play the stall game, and in fact vs a good destroyer this tactic is usually going to make you lose.

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31 minutes ago, Acroniaz said:

This is ridiculous. Assassins counter destroyers. We don't need to play the stall game, and in fact vs a good destroyer this tactic is usually going to make you lose.

Oh shut up. 

The time where we countered destroyers is over long ago - ever since they got HM emberstomp and knee kick.

Maybe you can counter them on a lower level but play against a good destroyer and you will face your biggest nightmare.


This assassin counter destroyers shit is so old and outdated and in fact they are countering us now. 

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Oh shut the *cricket* up. You whiny *cricket*. Its not over by a long shot, we still counter them it just takes more precision now. The match up is still in our favour, maybe you need to get your HM legendary skills to see how it actually is.

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I have all currently available HM skills, were playing diamond the last season on EU (which is in fact 100x more easy on NA) and have overall over 3k matches played. 


Every top tier player can confirm you that destroyers are countering us now (we did counter them before) if we can't play over time or if the destroyer isn't playing well. 

Ofc the majority of destroyers are garbage but like I said: play against a top tier destroyer like Menace etc. as a sin and you will face your nightmare simply because their kit counters ours. 


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Agree with the OP entirely here, Sins are still usually fairly easy to beat - but the fights aren't FUN anymore. Just a lot of Sin going invisible and timer running out... Honestly I'd rather just concede and get on to something entertaining.

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