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Same old question (with better background than most)


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Hey everyone,

I am trying to figure out what to play. I tend to be a supportive/offensive role. Which after doing alot of looking looks like itd be down to KFM, WL, or maybe FM.

I played back when BnS first released in US, as a KFM (lvl 30) but been away for a couple months, Ive tried FM seemed bored early on but didnt get past 15. I havent tried WL yet but i like the idea behind it and after watching vids it seems fun and unique, but the same goes for KFM.

What would you suggest? Im a do everything i can PvE then goto PvP kinda person, Ping is no issue, and im quick learner so skill level is not important. But i love a challenge.

Any advice/words of wisdom/suggestions would be great and appreciated. Please dont answer with play what you find fun or normal non-helpful answers.

Thanks to anyone/everyone who helps me with this question.

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If you play both PvE and PvP. I wouldn't really suggest Warlock, unless you just play pvp casually. Warlock is very difficult to do well with, they are arguably the weakest class in PvP, and only get weaker as more hongmoon skills become available for other classes. Not to say Warlock is extremely under powered, because you can still do very well with it. PvE however Warlocks are amazing, they have the strongest party buff in the game, and very good damage output. However, they rely on their Hongmoon Dragoncall skillbook and a pretty significant amount of crit rate/damage to really get their DPS flowing. Warlocks in PvE also only have 3 invincibility frames, 2 of which have 36 second cooldowns, so you really have to mange them properly and avoid damage if you want to stay alive in end-game dungeons. That's pretty much all I have to say about Warlock. The class is very strong in PvE and wanted in every party due to their amazing party buff, but kind of lacking in PvP at the moment (but that doesn't mean it always will be). Also, don't count out Destroyer/Summoner if you like DPS/Supportive roles, as they play the part very well. I hope something I said could help you out. Good luck!


Also, this question is in the wrong section of the forums. I doubt anyone else will help you with this question, because it all really boils down to what you enjoy the most. Try each class up until level 30 at least, I would say.

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Since all ranged classes tend to bore me rly fast cause they almost never feel the danger of staying in a red circle I would suggest you a Blade Dancer, the BD scales of items pretty well.

In the early lvling stages you have a harder time than with endgame gear since you heal like a douche and your rotation loves critt the more you go full glass cannon.

Ppl say the class is noob like, yeah the dmg is insane if done correctly others just get facerolled if they let your chi reg skills hit em. In PVE you most of the time dish out your rota untill you decide to chi grab boss or stun lock when needed, iframes for partymembers must be skilled into if you wanna save their ass instead of yours.

evtl. Konnte dich ein assassine interessieren, seine supportive skills werden jedoch meist nur mit premade gruppen effektiv eingesetzt und durch true sight werden bosse im endgame immer schwerer

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You should give Destroyer a try. They have good offensive-supportive skills, that means you can disable a boss and give your party a damage boost while at it. Also, I find it much fun to pick up and carry people around. They're also very good at dealing damage / defending. The only downside is, their damage while moving is awful and most skills rely on animation canceling, so having a high ping will make your damage suffer a lot.


Other good supportive class is Summoner. They can heal, they have party iframe and can also revive everyone by sacrificing their pet. They seem kind of boring to me though, but that doesn't mean you wouldn't like them.


I know this sounds clichee now, but... best advice is try both, get to at least level 36 - that's when you usually get the fun skills - then see which one suits you better.

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FM has good support with Divine Veil and Frost Sheath, some pretty coveted skills at engame, I might add. Offensively, it's a ranged class with one of the best DPS potential in the game.


The thing about it is that it won't be fully ready until it gets its first HM lvls. FM is way too reliant on skill points to get a fully optimal skill rotation going, so its evolution is rather gradual. It's natural to make compromises with skill point specs early on, but FM has to do it for a bit longer, I feel.


But yes, lvl 36 is generally a good clue to how much you may enjoy a class later on since many classes get most, if not all important skills at that point. Just remember FM gets a few key skills at lvl 45, so beware.

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