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Cerulian Dog's Bots


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Like seriously?? your faction is freakin strong and why the heck will you all do this?? you guys are piece of trash.. lol

NCsoft need to do something about this shit. im pissed off not because i cant do my dailies. but all these is so annoying. freakin bullies. using bots to kill all the NPCs for new players trying to farm.. come on cerulian dogs. stop doing this non-sense.



here are some pictures i took while doing some Red Dailies in Misty Woods



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3 minutes ago, Wikid Surge said:

If removing bots was an easy task im sure they would have done it...There is no real way to rid THIS game of them without driving off most off the real players.

Totally this. Not defending them, but I'm sure some inside NCWest do honestly weep for the state the game is in, on relation to bots and RMT.

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15 minutes ago, Fatalito said:

Totally this. Not defending them, but I'm sure some inside NCWest do honestly weep for the state the game is in, on relation to bots and RMT.

Plus the players are to blame for the bot problem not nc soft because we will always have people willing to give their credit card or pay pal info to known hacker's and theives. Who also have a long history of stealing from the people that buy their gold or items also. If bots didn't have buyer's they would be driving us nuts.

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4 minutes ago, Wikid Surge said:

Plus the players are to blame for the bot problem not nc soft because we will always have people willing to give their credit card or pay pal info to known hacker's and theives. Who also have a long history of stealing from the people that buy their gold or items also. If bots didn't have buyer's they would be driving us nuts.

I cannot really blame a particular group. It's a circle where everyone shares some responsibility in a small or big way. See, the company makes the game and publishes it. People who want to obtain illegal monetary gain see the game and "throw the fish bait" and watch it how it goes. Then there's the people who come play and some of them want an instant advantage nobody in the game has, because you human beings are so totally competitive XD. And find the fish bait thrown by the RMT guy that the company couldn't keep out. And so yeah. It's all shared stuff. Break a part of the circle and everything else should come crumbling down. BUT, it's never as easy as it's laid in paper. Or so everyone says.

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