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Recommended Ice Build


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Honestly by going pure one way or the other you're crippling yourself, why only use half of your tools?

Even when I'm running ice I have a few points in fire, if you're waiting for cool downs switch to deal the extra damage.

Basically Ice gives you less damage and aoe but more control with extra heal while fire deals greater dmg, greater aoe.

I have 3 builds depending on what I'm doing.


Ice for PvP and solo with frozen soul.


Dual for dungeons and party play with flame soul.


My dual focuses on party support ice and fire with aoe for mobs and burn for dmg.


Solo I've kitted ice for heal, freeze and chill while PvP has freeze, chill, peirce with some escapes spec'd.


Of course that's just me and everyone's different but I wouldn't recommend going pure.

I did have major fun with the ice rain build though, it was easy peasy and made me incredibly lazy ? It's just not the most efficient IMO.

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Freeze rmb, tier4 1, auto detonate lmb, instant x, meteor v.


X + V when it's on cooldown, then just spam LR1. Even when I intentionally gimp myself and remove autodetonate from lmb, higher ap FMs still can't take aggro from me. The only way I'm losing it is if I get knocked down. I never even have to use cold snap z or dragonfrost since no one can take aggro anyway. Stun 3 is nice for those bosses that charge. The rest of the points can be whatever you want, I never use them anyway. Unlike fire build, I don't have to spam slow weak attacks to recover focus or keep up the necessary debuff.

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