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Summoner PVP vs FM


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I'm pretty new in PVP and I know summoner is an easy class from what I've read through PVP chat.  

I am level 50, hongmoon 5 and recently tried going into PVP.  I win/lose against other classes but once I get matched up against FM,  I Always lose.  

FM always grabs my cat and puts it to sleep while they have a veil up and cc  me down before I reach my cat.   Can someone give me some advice on how to beat them? 

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When they put your cat to sleep, try to run to your cat and stand behind it. Use counter for movement speed and stealth while running over to your cat. If you time it right, you can actually pull the cat back (E) during the animation. The same principles apply to other class that try to sleep your cat. Also use Q when you think you they're killing your cat

Learn to you counter to reset the skill 1. Use it as much as you can.

Make use of petal rose, spec it for heal, since FM are ranged

When you see them pop up the barrier. Don't attack and run around. Maybe use skill that aren't projectile as the barrier works the same as Summoner's petal rose.

Don't waste tab cause you might end up permastun while on Aoe


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  • 4 months later...

Force Masters can be OP against summoners.  If you get locked into their freeze / stun combo and can't get out.  It will be an easy win for them.


The best way is to keep them occupied with fighting against two, your pet and yourself.  When they are precoccupied it just makes it harder for them.  For example if they have to dash because cat daze or knockdown.  Wait out the 6 second stealth from dandelion so you have two second cooldown on seed shroud. 


You can use E if your pet can't keep up with the FM becuase they've been chilled.  Keep sending out your pet to cc the FM and give it hard time.  Tech chase the FM with C daze then 2 daze.  Put in your combo.  Knockdown, they have no retreat.  They have no knockdown counter keep attacking them. I might be wrong lol.


Save your tab stun for when you use petal storm and they force grip you send your pet out to stun them.


Bait out their tab escape before using grapple.

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