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Warlock's in pvp

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Hello people :)


What do you think about WL in pvp after lvl50 pach are they any good ?


In ranking theres only 1 WL in top 50 and others are 100 point behind him. Its in Twin wagons server, cuz I gues its not cros server ranking, that wud be jus crazy bad for WL.

Statistic shows that they are super nerfed right now, but some ppl keep saing that they are OP.

And in arena WL skills haw suck a long cooldow, and yas they can reset cooldowns, but leach is rly easy to counter and Time Distortion cant be optimaly used without Leach, Soulburn is just one time trick in PvP.

In the longer fights WL just cant keep up with other classes when his skills are almost always on cooldown.


Are they realy that bad in Korea, or its just a ultra nerfed WL in this pach?


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16 minutes ago, FMP said:

warlock just came out, give time for people to master it, maybe next season will have more warlocks

Mastering inst jusf for the one whos plaing WL its also for those who plays agents them, so that time to master WL isnt the reason for them to be bad in all servers.

Its like finding a sh1t that your dog pooped out and saing oh no wories it doesnt smell... give it some time and it will disappear.

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1 hour ago, GreenOwl said:

"Warlock - buffed summoner with Fm DPS."

I disagree. Warlock doesn't heal like summoners and their pet (thrall) is not as strong as the cats. Warlocks don't go invisible. I agree that warlocks can do many damage (like most class) if you know how to play. They have different style.


I don't have the problem with cooldowns. The cooldowns are not so long or most of the time you can reset it with other spells. Defensive spell are important, so make the right decision on the right moment. 

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2 hours ago, Cookie Smiles said:

Hello people :)


What do you think about WL in pvp after lvl50 pach are they any good ?


In ranking theres only 1 WL in top 50 and others are 100 point behind him. Its in Twin wagons server, cuz I gues its not cros server ranking, that wud be jus crazy bad for WL.

Statistic shows that they are super nerfed right now, but some ppl keep saing that they are OP.

And in arena WL skills haw suck a long cooldow, and yas they can reset cooldowns, but leach is rly easy to counter and Time Distortion cant be optimaly used without Leach, Soulburn is just one time trick in PvP.

In the longer fights WL just cant keep up with other classes when his skills are almost always on cooldown.


Are they realy that bad in Korea, or its just a ultra nerfed WL in this pach?


Stop spamming leech the moment you get it. Most likely the first time you can people will SS or Second Wind to resist it. If you watch your enemy, you will notice when it is a good time to leech them. Use Leech in Tier 3 Move 2. Which goes through defensive skills.


Use Shadow Build Rupture, with 3 full skill points into it so you can get decreased cool down of dragon call and creates 1 Spectral Orb. Also goes through deflect and penetrates defense. Targets enemy as well so that you can get a few bombardments in there if your fast enough. 


Stop spamming all your skills. Thus why they end up all in cool down to begin with. Don't get why people think the moment the battle starts you should just use all your skills. Which your right then you will have long cool downs. If you put 2 skill points into Imprisonment  to daze the enemy, and let the animation finish if they have not gotten out of it that's a free insta cast of Dragoncall, or Wingstorm. I don't know if you prefer to use Dragon Call or Dragon Helix, but that's your call what you want to use.


Put skill points into Onrush for your thrall to stun enemy for 2 seconds.  Be patient and don't waist your Q. Use it when you actually need to not because you want to. 3 points into Gravity Well will help with opponents that have charge skills which come in handy when trying to get away from them. 


Time Distortion is better used if you truly get in a situation where your enemy is trying to go in for the kill. Then you use Time distortion. Don't always have to use it because you want to combo them quickly to death. I use it more as a defensive skill so I can have  all my skills back, and the ability to protect myself with Bastion. It's a good way to also get them to use all there escape skills if you can stun them with Tether Blade. If you can insta cast skills with it good but I'd just try to daze and stun them the whole time while using Bastion as much as you can.


Warlock is not the best but we're defiantly not trash. With practice and more skill points I hope my Warlock will become a lot more lethal.  Warlocks have to learn how to use there skills to the fullest of their abilities and then you will see that they are much better than you think. The only people I noticed I really struggle with are Kungfu masters that know how to stun lock you because we don't have much escapes from stun and Sanctum doesn't last forever, a good Kungfu Master can just deflect almost everything you do back at you making it really hard to land hits on them. Everyone else you have a decent chance of beating as long as you don't mess up or don't lack the skill points. I noticed the more skill points I get the higher chance of winning I have. 

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As a BD, Warlocks are free Zenbeans. There's just a toolbox mismatch between the two classes. The only real reason any Warlock get's a kill is due to the small arena size and time limit. That or someone decided to try and facetank the spells. Realistically Warlock would never kill a single person if their opponent could line kite for an indefinite amount of time. That said Warlock in GvG OW is amazing and I can't wait to see what they bring to the 6v6.

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3 hours ago, SosukeRyugamine said:

Stop spamming leech the moment you get it. Most likely the first time you can people will SS or Second Wind to resist it. If you watch your enemy, you will notice when it is a good time to leech them. Use Leech in Tier 3 Move 2. Which goes through defensive skills.


Use Shadow Build Rupture, with 3 full skill points into it so you can get decreased cool down of dragon call and creates 1 Spectral Orb. Also goes through deflect and penetrates defense. Targets enemy as well so that you can get a few bombardments in there if your fast enough. 


Stop spamming all your skills. Thus why they end up all in cool down to begin with. Don't get why people think the moment the battle starts you should just use all your skills. Which your right then you will have long cool downs. If you put 2 skill points into Imprisonment  to daze the enemy, and let the animation finish if they have not gotten out of it that's a free insta cast of Dragoncall, or Wingstorm. I don't know if you prefer to use Dragon Call or Dragon Helix, but that's your call what you want to use.


Put skill points into Onrush for your thrall to stun enemy for 2 seconds.  Be patient and don't waist your Q. Use it when you actually need to not because you want to. 3 points into Gravity Well will help with opponents that have charge skills which come in handy when trying to get away from them. 


Time Distortion is better used if you truly get in a situation where your enemy is trying to go in for the kill. Then you use Time distortion. Don't always have to use it because you want to combo them quickly to death. I use it more as a defensive skill so I can have  all my skills back, and the ability to protect myself with Bastion. It's a good way to also get them to use all there escape skills if you can stun them with Tether Blade. If you can insta cast skills with it good but I'd just try to daze and stun them the whole time while using Bastion as much as you can.


Warlock is not the best but we're defiantly not trash. With practice and more skill points I hope my Warlock will become a lot more lethal.  Warlocks have to learn how to use there skills to the fullest of their abilities and then you will see that they are much better than you think. The only people I noticed I really struggle with are Kungfu masters that know how to stun lock you because we don't have much escapes from stun and Sanctum doesn't last forever, a good Kungfu Master can just deflect almost everything you do back at you making it really hard to land hits on them. Everyone else you have a decent chance of beating as long as you don't mess up or don't lack the skill points. I noticed the more skill points I get the higher chance of winning I have. 

Im using both Helix and Dragoncall build depending what oponent I get or I change them in the second round, my build isnt the problem and this topic isnt about me.

Btw in longer fights WL cant stand with almost all skill being about 30 sec CD when other haw those skill on 10 sec max, ant they haw more CC more ressistance skills.


Im talking abour WL in general cuz only 1 WL is in top 50 player rankings, that just wrong, same like of top 5 player 4 off them summoners right now...


If they are not geting any love in EU/NA servers are they any better in Korea? Cuz maibe WL will be more balanced in the future, thats the qustion, do not take one sentence from this topic and make it just about that.

2 hours ago, Zel said:

As a BD, Warlocks are free Zenbeans. There's just a toolbox mismatch between the two classes. The only real reason any Warlock get's a kill is due to the small arena size and time limit. That or someone decided to try and facetank the spells. Realistically Warlock would never kill a single person if their opponent could line kite for an indefinite amount of time. That said Warlock in GvG OW is amazing and I can't wait to see what they bring to the 6v6.

Yeah WL isnt that bad in 3v3 also for assistance, you can disable other team from assisting ant AOE 2 players at the same time, but in 1v1 it just feels wrong :)

6v6 shud be fun with WL :)

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