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Bracelet for destroyor lvl 50


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i update  my bracelet to Oathbreaker Bracelet  ,... cos when i level up my crit chance goes so down .. so it is good to gain 740 more crit chance .... but later  on people call me noob to use this Bracelet instead of using Breeze Bracelet with 449 crit damage ... .. need help plz which one to play with .. my crit chance without Oathbreaker at 42 % 

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 Breeze Bracelet is good if you have nothing better, but you can't upgrade it so it is only a place holder, temporary item while you work on the HongMoon one, which further down the upgrade path past Oathbreaker becomes far far superior to the Breeze one, plus the breeze Bracelet is used as a evolution item for it too. personally if your happy with the Oathbreaker then stick to it. its got nothing to do with other players how you upgrade your gear, as long as your progressing and your happy thats what it is all about.


 There's too many in this game who only think about so called 'top' gear , but there is more to it than that, the biggest difference in damage, survivability etc is your stats and having the right amounts of the right ones, its like players asking for other with 400+ attack power, it means nothing unless you have the crit, crit dmg etc to actually make use of it, many times a player with alot lower attack power will do way more damage because they have better stats, its the same old thing in every mmo, its no good having tons of power if you insta die because you have no defence. a dead player does nothing.


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as a destroyer you should be using the Python bracelet w/12 AP and 4xx crit damage if you already have high crit from fused soulshields. However, if you do not, then the Oathbreaker bracelet is comparable stat-wise (you lose maybe 100-200 damage per wrath hit during fury but in turn you crit more on your regular animation cancelling and your non crits will do more as well)

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