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Not sure if new hacks or not


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I only ever played BD and have no knowledge about other classes' skill names so bear with me.


I fought an FM a while ago and he was spamming ice AoE circles on the ground and shooting ice needles in the air which would come down on me after a few seconds. I'm talking about 3-4 ice circles at once and around 5-6 needles... both of these would be happening again and again seemingly without cooldown.


Did I get shat on by FM like never before or is it hacks?

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Instead of making this topic, you could've done some research and check the bns skill tree for fm. See their cool downs on their ice skills, and if it still looks sketchy to you. You can make a topic about it and you got some information yourself.

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20 minutes ago, JadeEyes said:

Instead of making this topic, you could've done some research and check the bns skill tree for fm. See their cool downs on their ice skills, and if it still looks sketchy to you. You can make a topic about it and you got some information yourself.

OK then: Ice coil/Cold snap followed by Ice rain over and over, and another Ice coil/cold snap as soon as ice rain ends.

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6 minutes ago, Asuramon said:

OK then: Ice coil/Cold snap followed by Ice rain over and over, and another Ice coil/cold snap as soon as ice rain ends.

You can do Cold Snap 3 times if you plan it right, which by doing it like that they can then speed cast Ice Rain which 5-6(Pretty sure you can pretty much do almost your whole focus bar but haven't played my FM in a while) Ice Rain's seems pretty legit before they throw down another Cold Snap. So seems like you legit got combo'd to death.  Which is rare to chose Ice Rain for pvp but alrighty they must  of had you Locked in ice for this combo to work but I'm pretty sure Blade Dancers can just resist out of it but alright. 

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