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Target Damage for Quests


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Why do you persist in this HORRIBLE method to get a simple quest done? trying to get my Soul Stone dailies done with a Cat Army pretty much grinding me to a standstill as soon as they attack the target I have to hit WELL away from them and pray I do enough before they realize what is going on. Black-Wyrm and Harvest are just a few to have this detestable system in place which is pretty much doom for anyone who ain't lucky enough to have the system (and) internet capable of doing this with so many people in one place on pretty much every channel. Having to a DAILY up to 5 times just to get it done ONCE is not fun in any way. For those who never have to deal with this you have absolutely NO idea how lucky you are.


1% don't seem like much, but when you drop combat because of lag all the time, it's almost impossible to get on any mob regardless of it's HP.

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I have to agree with this.  It does cause an issue for players and needs to be looked into.  My suggestion is send in a ticket with your log files and tell them what is wrong.  Show them it isn't your system but theirs.  THe more info they have to work with on various systems will help them code better (or at least I hope.  I've noticed NCwest coders seem to not be as good as those from the parent company, guessing too many interns).

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