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Which is better at solo clearing content, KFM or FM?


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Both seem to be pretty good in solo content in their own way..I am personally an FM and it does solo content well.

As for mushin tower,it really depends on floor..FMs can do floor 5 well because,they can do dps easier than most other classes and 5th floor is dps test..However,7th floor is probably almost impossible for FMs if they are in true profane or lower and below siren accessory unless you probably have real good soulshield and gems..I bet KFMs would suffer more at 5th but find it easier to do 7th..I am not sure but just guessing since they have low CD counter and a grapple..

Idk much about KFM,I just know they can be good tanks so I bet they are bossy which would work pretty well for solo content.


As for FM,most solo content goes pretty well for me as FM specially with frost where you can have your frost fury specced on stage 3 for crazy lifesteal..FMs are good self healers,they have much sustain and 2 freeze up invincible shields,a shell that protects them from ranged attacks,3 iframes so good mobility,passive increase in defense if you use ice skills and ofc range but other than that,they are squishy specially they don't have a dedicated block or counter for melee (except for HM upgrade on impact stage 1 that Idk if it was even out in last patch or not and a stage of firestorm that makes you parry for 0.5 sec but has 15-20 sec cd) and they don't have as reliable CC as most of other classes.

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KFM all the way. How come u dont see any/ much of FM solos? its cause they cant really or it is extremely difficult for them to solo cause of lack of def skills. Kfm has a good bit of dps and has a block and some def skills

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They differ. Forcemaster can handle most of Blackram Narrows fine, save for second to last boss (that Blackram Captain and her bodyguards)  and Gubong if his fiends slow you down or if he manages to grab/knock you around. KFM has it harder in there for the most part except for Gubong since you can block and thus don't have to kite him as much, and if you position yourself right for when he lands and tries the grab, you have more i-frames for that.


From there things go okayish up until Bokgon Hideout (specifically Samja and his elite bodyguards). I couldn't do it with KFM. Forcemaster can tear them apart once you freeze them and get behind them/stay back.


But ultimately, from Tomb of Exiles onwards, soloing dungeons pretty much becomes a pain, if not impossible for most of them.

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3 hours ago, Oxygen said:

Both seem to be pretty good in solo content in their own way..I am personally an FM and it does solo content well.

As for mushin tower,it really depends on floor..FMs can do floor 5 well because,they can do dps easier than most other classes and 5th floor is dps test..However,7th floor is probably almost impossible for FMs if they are in true profane or lower and below siren accessory unless you probably have real good soulshield and gems..I bet KFMs would suffer more at 5th but find it easier to do 7th..I am not sure but just guessing since they have low CD counter and a grapple..

Idk much about KFM,I just know they can be good tanks so I bet they are bossy which would work pretty well for solo content.


As for FM,most solo content goes pretty well for me as FM specially with frost where you can have your frost fury specced on stage 3 for crazy lifesteal..FMs are good self healers,they have much sustain and 2 freeze up invincible shields,a shell that protects them from ranged attacks,3 iframes so good mobility,passive increase in defense if you use ice skills and ofc range but other than that,they are squishy specially they don't have a dedicated block or counter for melee (except for HM upgrade on impact stage 1 that Idk if it was even out in last patch or not and a stage of firestorm that makes you parry for 0.5 sec but has 15-20 sec cd) and they don't have as reliable CC as most of other classes.



Not saying I can do this (Needed siren on my FM before I could clear 7F w/ infernal acc).

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4 minutes ago, Cyclewar said:



Not saying I can do this (Needed siren on my FM before I could clear 7F w/ infernal acc).

TBH just by reading ice build u prob coulda done it earlier with burn lol. Not gonna tell u how to build but jus a reccomendation

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Thats why I said "almost impossible" and not just impossible in my original quote. :)

I know some people are really good to do such stuff at very low gear level but thats a rarity to do it with true profane weapon,infernal accessory,normal soulshield and normal gems.

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From my experience soloing dungeons as KFM, it depends on the enemy. If boss is alone (at least most of the time) - it won't be hard for KFM to solo it as long as you don't get carried away, maintain your defence and remember all attack patterns. If boss summon adds (expecially ranged ones) - you're dead if you don't have much better stats or some awesome skills to somehow kill adds quickly while dodging all the attacks, which is mostly impossible (at least without legendary counter skill with resist). Also, DPS as KFM is reeeeeally ping and skill related, so enrage timers will haunt you. So, KFMs are great with 1v1, but when there are more enemies (mostly ranged, cause you can't gather them to kill whole pack at the same time) - it's probably easier for FM.

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Depends. From personal experience:


FM can freeze most things, so they just stand still while you blast them down, and for those things you can't freeze, you socket a drain or recovery gem and thanks to thier machine gun style attacks, you blast crits left and right and keep your health up from basic attacks.


For KFM, you ani cancel the shit out of everything, use your OP counter for all yellow teles (and even some basics), and cc where needed.


In my own adventures, both are effective at solo, but execute it differently.

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