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Can't recieve items and leveling event bundle...


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I just logged in today for the first time in a few days and I wanted to recieve my leveling event bundle...


The problem is that I can't click on it. I tried it on all of my characters and it's grey no matter which character I log in to.




Is there any way to fix this?


Thank you in advance. (I may not be able to respond for a few days since I will be traveling...)

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1 minute ago, Lunakitty said:

On the right side at bottom there is button "Unpack". Click that and you can receive the items.

What Lunakitty said.
Unpacking means, it'll split all the items of the mail. 
Let's say you have 3 items in a mail 'A, B and C', you can decide to put item A and B on one character and item C on another character. Just to make it sure, it is only for account bound mails, not character bound mail.

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