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So i reached level 45. what now?

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So i just got to level 45 like 5 mins ago. got full profane and im farming the weapon. is it worth doing anything else ? i mean won't any lvl 45 dungeon/gear be useless? dont even have soul/bracelet/belt. cuz tbh dunno where to get em in the first place.


Im sorry if im being ignorant. just dont wanna farm that isn't going to be used in the new update.

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I think you may need to complete Lv45 dungeons to proceed onto the newer ones. Get a set of soul shields (maybe a mixture of BSH/LAB/TOWER/MUSHIN) - so run Poharan 6-man, Bloodshade Harbor 6-man, and then Naryu Labyrinth 6-man. You'll get the bracelet and belt from those (hover over dungeon information in the lobby and it'll list potential drop items). The soul is created from an item from Blackwyrm and 3 ornaments that drop from Naryu Labyrinth.


Continue your journey in Blade & Soul and level to 50!

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