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PvP - There is no point at this time.


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With all the bots and very little groups of real people. PvP is not just totally not worth it.  It's totally useless to run into the game itself.  I was as high as 1753 and now at 1607 as of writing this. Losing and winning to stupid destroyer bots and literally only a few real people.  It helps nothing. I don't learn anything except it's a bot that is spamming and using script while illegally reading server information to preemptively counter anything I throw or spam me with stuff where any stun or daze overrides and trumps my key press because it's spamming the server so hard.   Before you elitist PvP players say go look at a video, you must understand.  I don't care anymore about PvP. I get farmed because of their stupid scripts and the whole "spin to win" system from destroyers.  I initially just wanted to get to plat and just farm dailies to get a bigger output of soulstones.  But really?  At this point, it's useless to play in PvP at all unless you are in game for hours and "selling yourself" to run with other people.  PvP Queue should be enough instead of having to put yourself out there with other players.  This bot stuff is stupid and ridiculous. And getting into other levels eg gold, platinum, and diamond? Completely and utterly worthless.  There is no bragging rights once you get their because the number of bots versus real players invalidates the real pride you can put forth in it.  Anyhow, devs need to fix these balancing issues because they aren't helping anyone.

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Too bad the bots pay NCsoft for the mail paywall/premium, getting rid of them means major cut in revenue.

The game has been out for 2 months now, do they care about players or money? I think their actions (or lack thereof) speak for themselves.

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Maybe so a cut in revenue but if they want NA and EU to truly participate in their PvP Championships, they need to clean it up so real players can be sent to combat internationally or we should just program a good bot.  And in addition, real players should play real players so we can truly get an accurate distinction of the good players.  

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They just don't care at all. Thats why NCsoft's games tend to fail, even when the games itself are good and have potencial, like this one.


Not a single answer in forums, not even a "We are working on it". I face hackers, boters, exploiters every day in arenas, and not a few times, no no. A LOT. But hey, it's better to tell me that my account will be suspended for using too many "cricket" words in forums ... geez. Its like they prefer to have bots than real people playing this game. And after a few months when only a small community plays BnS in Europe they will wonder why that happened.


You know why WoW is still the best? Cuz Blizz may do things wrong in terms of game changes, balances, etc ... But they know how to make their game work good enough for their players to be able to actually enjoy it.

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4 hours ago, Icyhell said:

This bot stuff is stupid and ridiculous. And getting into other levels eg gold, platinum, and diamond? Completely and utterly worthless.  There is no bragging rights once you get their because the number of bots versus real players invalidates the real pride you can put forth in it.  Anyhow, devs need to fix these balancing issues because they aren't helping anyone.

There aren't any bots in diamond, players that hit diamond aren't going to lose to bots. I went 39-0 on my lvl 38 des last season before losing, and it was to a FM, not a bot. The bots tab right away, and like to rage instantly. So u cc, they tab, u cc they tech, you tech chase 100-0 them. If you can't get past the bots you need to learn the game better. The actual hackers are all in high diamond, like the perma resist smn and shit. You aren't facing anything you can't beat in gold or low plat. If you need help, add flarefly, and make a character on mushin to message me so I can come to the arena and help you if ur cross server. I'm down to help you with your mechanics and get you beating the bots 100% :D

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I have to agree whith alot of what your saying the amount of bots, hackers is really to high for a game that you want to have competitive pvp, i was thinking tho when the 50 content comes out why dont you up the soulstone rewards a little from faction dailies and remove them all together from pvp, i bet there would be no bots if they cant make money, so pvp is for those who want to pvp and not as a place to make money


edit: i was really enjoying pvp untill i hit a wall just below 1800 and all i went against was bots that can perma resist all your cc so untill its fixed i dont think ill even go into arena again

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On 3/19/2016 at 8:26 PM, flarefly said:

There aren't any bots in diamond, players that hit diamond aren't going to lose to bots. I went 39-0 on my lvl 38 des last season before losing, and it was to a FM, not a bot. The bots tab right away, and like to rage instantly. So u cc, they tab, u cc they tech, you tech chase 100-0 them. If you can't get past the bots you need to learn the game better. The actual hackers are all in high diamond, like the perma resist smn and shit. You aren't facing anything you can't beat in gold or low plat. If you need help, add flarefly, and make a character on mushin to message me so I can come to the arena and help you if ur cross server. I'm down to help you with your mechanics and get you beating the bots 100% :D

I've been PvP'ing when this game was in KR only and I was using a translator.  I know the classes I play.  It's the fact that the bots are hacking.  When you have a Destro bot that is hacking with no cooldown fury/rage in gold, There isn't ANYTHING you can do about that.  Oh and guess what.... Yes the bots/hackers are getting more intelligent.  I do my research and sadly there are a few sites that are advertising the ability to not just bot but HOW to hack in PvP and win. So make a new toon and slum it out in gold.  Many of the bots are now hacking in addition.

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