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Tag Match Players Not Participating. Bots? Afk?


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I like to play tag match for fun every now and again.

Never before had I experienced any issues involving teams besides the rare disconnect of a player but today I've experienced almost 100% of teams - both mine and the opponents - being filled with players that will ready up but not participate at all when it comes to battling. Some even swing their weapons to make it seem like they're present.

They don't look like your typical bots, I've seen these players of most, if not all classes. All having varying outfits and gear.

So how do we the player counter this? There's no option to kick players, nor an option to report for them having not participated, we just have to cross our fingers and hope that we're not stuck in a 3v1 situation.

It's not that it's hard to play when you're down one member, it's just not as much fun being able to see the diversity of strategies among your team mates.

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yeah I´m getting more and more of them too. I believe it´s a simple bot that even real players use - because alot of them seems different from the bots.


Usually they will leave party as soon as you move to the lobby - making it difficult to report them.


I´d love to hear NCsofts stance on this. It really ruins the fun, when you´re playing 2v3 or even 3vs1

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I've run into them too and up until this week I actually enjoyed tag matches. Had 5 in a row today and given 3/5 were HM5 and had store-bought costumes, I don't imagine they would be bots. Just people queuing or staying afk when they get ported in arena, either waiting for a carry, collecting beans win or lose or simply trying to ruin everyone else's daily run.

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