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7 hours ago, MarcosLepra said:

the cat should not be able to attack when the summoner is stunned because is a summoner's attack, t is like attacking blade master could continue despite being stunned

sorry that's how the cat is, a warlocks thrall is the same way it attacks till its either killed or timed out.


summoner's don't have many escapes that other classes do, asking for a summoners cat to be immobile when the summoner is would just break the class.

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The cat should not be able to do anything when the summoner is stunned, or airborne the same. Most peoples arguement as summoner is, 'It's our CC, It's just implemented a different way then usual classes, stop crying its only a cc for us' - Then technically it's an extension of your body, if you are stunned or in the air, you should lose full control of your pet, just like you would not be able to use skills when stunned or in the air. Class is dumb.

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Thing is while I agree sum shouldn't be allowed to command their cat through stuns and dazes being airborne,knocked down or grapped I can understand both t while stunned or dazed is a bit much... 


While this should happen I must also say, sum needs another hard escape as a trade off for not being able to command cat during stunned or dazed...


because atm in terms of escape balances goes the cc from cat while u r cced is considered the second hard escape of the summoner, at least this would make more sense XD


But I also think lbd and des should not be daze inmmune during spin... stunn immunity I cab understand but also daze immune and breaks from roots is a bit funny, like break from root and stun immune I think is OK but immune daze just too far also


And sin stealth toxic bomb then run away is also too much...

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3 minutes ago, Phorni said:



But I also think lbd and des should not be daze inmmune during spin... stunn immunity I cab understand but also daze immune and breaks from roots is a bit funny, like break from root and stun immune I think is OK but immune daze just too far also




What else are you going to use the spin for, it's literally to block stuns and dazes. It's like saying ''BM's block shouldn't block'' or ''KFM's counter shouldn't counter''

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9 minutes ago, Masqava said:


What else are you going to use the spin for, it's literally to block stuns and dazes. It's like saying ''BM's block shouldn't block'' or ''KFM's counter shouldn't counter''

Well if they get especially "daze immunity" then they should also be immune to knockdowns and graps, not saying anything about the mechanics but rather the logic...  like spin fast enough u a already daze urself, even if through special training... if an external force adds onto it then its likely to break ur trainings balance too just like the knockdown... #special training..


Like I can understand being immune to stun (caused by heavy external impacts) and breaks free of root(the force of the whirl breaks it) 


But daze tho XD 


Like bms block I can understand fine lol 


But kfms moving during counter is also another thing I don't understand XD 


But since it's a game... it's not really about making logical sense XD 


Just like I don't understand how come summoners can command the cat through stuns and dazes XD

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