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Just can't win vs Sin as FM...


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This is everything I do:


1) don't hit the counter much

2) Phantom grip / cold snap / meteor when they use smoke bomb

3) Use snowball middle tier to cancel defensives

4) Use my C (divine veil) to stop the shuriken, I believe that stops an opening?

5) Spam 1 and even Fire tab to get them out of stealth

6) Keep 3 frost orbits always


All of this is good but they always have an escape from frozen, they always manage to go back into stealth, spamming 1 never works since the ping difference, whenever i do finally get a decent combo they just play super defesinve, spam bombs / stealth until timer is up and they win on damage as a last resort. Just finished one match where my tab was on CD and I got chain cc'd from 100-40% ... just like facing a stealthed KFM.


Please for the love of god, how do I actually beat these *cricket* ass morons that just run away in stealth and wait for the timer to end?

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the problem with facing a sin as FM is that you can't hit while they're in stealth obviously. While they are in stealth ofc they have the upper hand but it's just job to spam impact and hit them so they become visible. Yes i know this is hard because they get increased speed and eva but that's making them burn up their escapes in the long run. Not only that you have to know when to shoot and not to shoot, like you never hit a substitute. if they're in fog pull them out of it. one skill i use against a sin is frost nova, it's a little odd but when they want to get close to start hitting i just use that to make it easier to find them, after that try your freeze combo, and if they go stealth while frozen, hey works for you.

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as a fm i think it's hard too and the battle will be boring but you have to trap them, what i will usually do:


1- try to stick your back at the walls of the arena so they get stuck ;) when they are near  you s s to freeze them rofl they will get out of stealth and freezed.

2- always try to have 3 orbs around you to freeze them

3- when you finally see them out of stealth you have go near them and use cold snap and run inside it fast, what will happen? you hit their counter on purpose inside it, so they will teleport at you and the cold snap will hit them out of the stealth, now you are free to hit them like a monster, be sure to not stun them or they will use tab to go stealth again.

4- you can trap their tab, just grab on purpose they always tab out you will be blind for a few seconds but just use ice sheath, after that when you see them again just stun them with 3 and start your combo

5- dragonchar can get them out of stealth, but good luck with the arena lag and focus

6- you can change meteor  to blazing wall  if you dont have much aoes and stay inside it to protect yourself if they stealth or combo like the tip 3.

7- if you are impact speced stay at walls like tip 1 and keep spamming.


anyway the fight will be boring but if you trap them like tip 3 they will die very fast

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5 minutes ago, Justsomeone said:

as a fm i think it's hard too and the battle will be boring but you have to trap them, what i will usually do:


1- try to stick your back at the walls of the arena so they get stuck ;) when they are near  you s s to freeze them rofl they will get out of stealth and freezed.

2- always try to have 3 orbs around you to freeze them

3- when you finally see them out of stealth you have go near them and use cold snap and run inside it fast, what will happen? you hit their counter on purpose inside it, so they will teleport at you and the cold snap will hit them out of the stealth, now you are free to hit them like a monster, be sure to not stun them or they will use tab to go stealth again.

4- you can trap their tab, just grab on purpose they always tab out you will be blind for a few seconds but just use ice sheath, after that when you see them again just stun them with 3 and start your combo

5- dragonchar can get them out of stealth, but good luck with the arena lag and focus

6- you can change meteor  to blazing wall  if you dont have much aoes and stay inside it to protect yourself if they stealth or combo like the tip 3.

7- if you are impact speced stay at walls like tip 1 and keep spamming.


anyway the fight will be boring but if you trap them like tip 3 they will die very fast

This is what I literally do every time vs a sin, I've watched lots of guides too, I think my main issue is being unable to unstealth them since I spam impact even ahead slightly of where they are but it never hits even though I can see it hitting them. I rarely hit the counter too, I tend to fire snowball middle tier at substitue which cancels their defensives but if you even start to kill them they just go turtle mode and stay stealth whiles launching bombs until the timer ends... it's so broken.

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Just now, Justsomeone said:

well like i said if you hit them with impact and they don't go out is probably arena lag... so it's hard, but use the tip 3 HIT THEM ON PURPOSE WHEN YOU ARE INSIDE COLD SNAP, that's going to *cricket* their life

Yea arena lag benefits sin too much. I will try that tip, I do it with meteor already but I'll try using cold snap. 

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1 minute ago, Vecejj said:

This is what I literally do every time vs a sin, I've watched lots of guides too, I think my main issue is being unable to unstealth them since I spam impact even ahead slightly of where they are but it never hits even though I can see it hitting them. I rarely hit the counter too, I tend to fire snowball middle tier at substitue which cancels their defensives but if you even start to kill them they just go turtle mode and stay stealth whiles launching bombs until the timer ends... it's so broken.

well like i said if you hit them with impact and they don't go out is probably arena lag... so it's hard, but use the tip 3 HIT THEM ON PURPOSE WHEN YOU ARE INSIDE COLD SNAP, that's going to *cricket* their life

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8 minutes ago, Lssi said:

sins easy

Yep, assassin's is the most weak class after blade master.


I'm a assassin 45 HM5 and literally FM are too strong, constant heal, a magic blue shield resist range attacks, and lately i fight with FM and i can't do nothing, they hit me in stealth and perma stunned and slowed.


So, i think you have to learn how to deal with the second weak pvp class in blade and soul.

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PHAHAHHAHAH, as fm.. let me tell u few things.. our 30% heal, has 3 minute cooldown. , if spec differently, its 10% heal with 1 minute cooldown, and +2% for every resist (which means, DONT HIT WHILE IN ICE),  , Divine Veil (aka blue shield), heals 15% hp, for 15 sec, and additional 1% on every resist, which happens only AND ONLY if you send projectiles at us.  now the next thing.. Only class that fm can perma freeze (cuz permastun doesnt exist) , is summoner, and even that is only if cat keeps hitting us, because ice orbs (that apply chill on hit, transfer that way) .  the "2stronk4me" chart goes first place , Summoner (since most classes cant handle them right now), then place share blade cancer and destroyer, then sin and kfm, and then fm and bm...  Each class has its counter.. for example, kfm and bm have hard time vs sins,  warlocks have hard time vs fm,  destroyers have hard time vs kfm, summoners vs destroyers, sins vs summoners,  fm vs bm (bullshit deflect stun and permablock) and so on..  and there is no too weak class in this game.  its just that some classes are easier than others...  for example, u need way more skill as assassin, compared to blade cancer .. also.. there is a class made for 5 year old girls.. summoner. u can see there is mostly 5 year old girls in diamond right now, as summoners,.

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