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Quitting BnS until they address the bot issue


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I've been playing this game since launch and never realized how bad bots were in arena until i laddered this season because last season, I was able to get to diamond before the massive wave. But this season, I started a day late and got from 1300 to 1750 facing nothing but bots.. And no, I'm not quitting because they're too hard but more because that was the worst arena experience I've had and for it to be that easy to get up to 1750 makes gold a joke. NCSoft, I suggest you take it upon yourselves to start doing something other than making "cool" outfits for the marketplace every 2 weeks to keep us premium members playing.


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Just now, Asage said:

I've been playing this game since launch and never realized how bad bots were in arena until i laddered this season because last season, I was able to get to diamond before the massive wave. But this season, I started a day late and got from 1300 to 1750 facing nothing but bots.. And no, I'm not quitting because they're too hard but more because that was the worst arena experience I've had and for it to be that easy to get up to 1750 makes gold a joke. NCSoft, I suggest you take it upon yourselves to start doing something other than making "cool" outfits for the marketplace every 2 weeks to keep us premium members playing.


They said they are working on it which i really hope they are because it dosent seem like it even jaesung said it during his stream he literally almost made it to plat just fighting bots which i have done aswell. Not only does it screw me over hard it also makes the price of soulstones crash . If they dont end up fixing them then BnS is gonna go downhill fast

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Honestly i already told evryone in a medium sized board im a Mod in and all friends to stay away from the game. Im only staying so far cause actually really like the game and invested quite some time and money already.

If they dont fix this until 50 patch i will also write a guest post on a quite large gaming blog to warn people what they are getting into and how unmotivated companies are losing to a bunch of scriptkids. Its quite an interesting topic tbh ,just super frustrating when you actually are trying to play the game.


Btw after around 45 matches since reset across my 3 characters i fought 7 (!!!!) Humans. This is getting just ridiculous. Also the bots are evolving, i today saw my first cheating blade dancer bot.


This game is quickly going downhill and evrywhere from dojo to neutral boards or reddit people are quitting or setting 50 patch as a deadline. The unprofessional QA sessions downplaying it dont help either.


So ya, fix it in whatever way needed or this game is done in 2 months. And with it the name of your company cause after such an expirience people surely will stay far away from your games in the future as well.




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So there is bots a lower rating, big whoop. Eventually you're out of Bot range, and fight real people, and then it's right back to normal. So I don't really see the issue as being so dramatic as to quit the game over. Yeah fighting bots suck, and it's boring. But once you're past 1800 you start fighting real people again.


And not for nothing, you telling people not to play, isn't going to make the people currently playing quit the game. You're not going to make or break this game's population with just your voice. Not to sound like a jerk, but i'm just being a realist.

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Bots are even higher than 1800 now, especially after the reset.  Before the reset, I was still fighting them in platinum.  Part of the reason for this is that there's fewer human players left to beat them back down into gold since everybody is quitting because NCSoft isn't addressing the botting or hacking issues quickly enough.  It's pretty bad when Jaesung ragequits in the middle of a stream when he's sponsored by NCSoft and other sponsored streamers are quitting, which is basically saying, "You can't pay me enough to keep playing this game," which is really really pathetic.

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Im pretty sure Jaesung isn't quitting, Godrik is still playing, AALaguna is still playing. And for a lot of the top pvpers they didnt give a shit about the bots, it was about the win traders taking the top ranks. NCSoft already said they are working on a longterm fix, and not just band-aide fix every other week. Cause once they change game guard to detect a bot, they bot coders will just make the appropriate change for it to work again. Just like any thing else. And I much rather have a long term fix for the bot problem, than just a quick fix for a short period. And honestly you'll get back to a point where you will mainly fight real people.  

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Whoops, I see where the confusion came from.  I meant that Jaesung ragequit during one stream, not that he was quitting the game entirely.  Those were two separate statements there.  And while I understand that they're trying to come up with a longterm solution, the problem is that it's going to be too little, too late, because there's too many people quitting already and there won't be a big enough playerbase to make eSports viable.  The game never should have made it to a Western release with these issues (bots already existed in other regions doing the same thing), and it would have been better to delay it even further than release it in its current state.  GameGuard is currently pointless since the first thing any hacker/botter does is completely bypass/disable it so it doesn't even run and it doesn't matter what it is or is not able to detect.  However, the Taiwan region just implemented a heartbeat that checks if GameGuard is open every 5 minutes to avoid that bypass and it would be nice to see them do that in the NA/EU regions so that GameGuard is at least doing something, even if it doesn't detect everything.

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