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Suggestion ** Limit Bot Names

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Can random letters in name be flagged and unavailable to be made because bots have names like aasfasvag and it takes no work to get an account going. Also bots tend to look exactly the same. Another thing is to flag accounts that have been on and active for a really long time, say 30 hours without ever taking a single break period, probably a bot, and also with spam, allow people to only be able to say the same message / Similar Message in a 10 second interval for 3 times and give a 5 minute time out warning, and if continue to spam after that, lock out from chats for 1 hour. and if continue to do the same thing full day lock out / ban. If you wanna get rid of the bots, gotta start at the base, the way they get their message out to some players and how they play compared to the regular human player base is massively different. Auto Bans is just required if you want to run a MMO and not having this and just sending out waves isn't stopping it because they could just level up 25 more accounts before the wave even hits. 1 account gets banned, instantly gets replaced, also gotta implement a way to see who the bots are trading to, get rid of the hive multiple times and that would sink the gold selling since no gold = no profits for gold sellers, I hope NCSoft takes this into consideration because the bot problem is getting out of hand, They are farming soulstones, and farming Moonwater tears, and its completely obvious which one are bots selling, since they are usually around the same price and the same amount being sold so account single market account restriction could also be a good way to stop it and to have it removed, messaging support, because I doubt bots would message support to have a flag removed.

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how does one script so the computer can determine what combination of letters is meaningful?


Qtpie is meaningful to most english speakers, it's not in the dictionary


I mean, we all want to limit bots but, this idea is just not very viable



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It is quite simple to find out that so called "keyboard" random names. They usually have all characters in 2 separate keyboard areas, and usually mixed together about evenly. So it like left side of keyboard, then one char from right side and so on. Quite easy to make script that detects this.


But it is lost war, to make such script and interface it with server for game, then test you probably need 1-2 coders working for a week.

What it takes to avoid that detection: type name with one hand.


Oh so lets then make detection if name is a word, ant that is impossible. You can use dictionary, but then every single player with legless_lego_legolass or xx_Chuck_Norris_xx would be banned. Also what it takes to avoid word detection (if anybody ever writes proper algorithm to detect if something is word or not), again, get dictionary try groups of 2 words until you find free one.


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