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How to spin when u are stunned ?

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10 minutes ago, Soulseeker said:

Dude have u fought a  bot as assasin ? I dont mean destroyer spin or blade dancer. i mean they turn theyr body as they are stunned.


Based on your thread title How to spin when u are stunned ?

Who the hell understand that you meant them turning while they are down, we are not psychic.

and only bot and some hacker does it, but since I do not play assassin, RIP. maybe some pro assassin can teach you how.


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7 minutes ago, Kanosaki said:


Your own English is terrible. Comma splices, incorrect verb plurality, and so on.


Your willingness to post when you have no idea what you're talking about is also ridiculous.

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3 minutes ago, a2c said:

Your own English is terrible. Comma splices, incorrect verb plurality, and so on.


Your willingness to post when you have no idea what you're talking about is also ridiculous.

Alright, thanks for the grammar fix, grammar nazi. My english language has improved a lot from your wonderful jab. Please feel good after this. 


(I did provide more information after op gave more information, you're just here to target me, keep up the the good work trying to improve my english)

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SPIN in this game refers to the destroyer or BD spins.

If you're going to use the word spin to refer to them turning/rotating during CC it makes absolutely zero sense especially in the context of bots being almost exclusively destroyers.


So no, people with reading comprehension are the ones who will get tripped up, the people who do not know what they're talking about will understand what you are saying.

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