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Game Breaking Bug - Warlock (FM too?)


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Another player already reported this bug and i'm doing this post to reinforce this bug, we need it fixed.

When you are solo as Warlock, Dungeons and much in Mushin Tower, sometimes the enemies reset for no reason.
When you use SS to get away, sometimes they just reset for no reason.
When you are downed, stunned, etc... and use number 2 to get up and away, they reset for no reason.
Now, most of the time, when you use Soul Shackle (2) to root them and run around doing your skill rotation, they just reset.

This is game breaking because ruin all your gameplay and waste your time.
Mushin Tower is a pain in the ass because you need to keep killing the same thing 2, 3 times in a row just because of bug reset.

In the other player topic, someone replied saying that this happens with his Force Master too, so... better take a look.
Please, fix this bug faster as you can.

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Other bugs... Way of the warlock PT 4, Doesn't register combos. Been working on this quest for 3 hours now. Doesn't register I've done the thing to complete the level.
Can't abandon the quest to pick it back up, so I guess I'm at a stopping point. Been playing all of a day. RIP BS.


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12 minutes ago, hellbabe said:

Other bugs... Way of the warlock PT 4, Doesn't register combos. Been working on this quest for 3 hours now. Doesn't register I've done the thing to complete the level.
Can't abandon the quest to pick it back up, so I guess I'm at a stopping point. Been playing all of a day. RIP BS.


If it's the quest I think it is, you have to let the 3-skill do all five ticks. It will turn the dragoncall icon light blue, which is when you use it.


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It seems like the problem is that imprison doesn't last enough, or that dragoncall takes too long to cast. If they would either extend the duration of imprison or reduce the cast time of dragoncall this would be do-able.

I'll try your suggestion when I have a little more patience. Thanks for the tip AionCheesecake! <3


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Regarding Way of the Warlock part 4, read it carefully. I know i had issues too. For like 2 minutes i couldn't do it but when i read more carefully i understood the quest completely and finished it with no issues. As op mentioned. It is definitely a problem that has happened to me as well, however very rarely. As a mmorpg veteran i am used to it's A.I so i was able to avoid the mobs resetting almost completely. Make sure you are not too far away from your target, let it attack you at the start of the fight before you lock it down and make sure you are not too far away from a mobs spawn, otherwise it won't reach you and will just reset. This exists in every mmorpg. You can snare your target at the start of the fight and it may sometimes not reset but attack them using anything other than snare and cc, after that you are almost always fine using Soul Shackle without them resetting.


More bugs


What op mentioned is also not the only bug. There are several bugs with Warlock. The skill Rupture does not always create a spectral orb on hit when specced to do so. The description says it creates on hit but doesn't. It is not a mistranslation because i checked the other B&S versions and it is supposed to be 100%. The skill Leech does not always reset the cooldown of Dragoncall and Wingstorm when specced to do so. Sometimes the effect of Leech don't happen as well even though my character have successfully "Leeched" the targets soul and absorbed it, basically done the whole animattion. The activation of Leech does not always stay the full duration and vanish/cancels it's own activation earlier than it should, thus *cricket*ing up the rotation.


Soul Shackle do not always work but it varies depending where you are. In E. Fleet, the Poharan raid the skill just don't work in some places. At the place where most of the fish mobs are at, the skill very rarely works. You use it and it damages the target one time and completely disappears without snaring them. There is another bug regarding the Thrall (Familiar). If you have specced OnRush on it and spec it for stun on use, it sometimes knockdowns instead of stunning even though it is specced to stun and not knockdown.


These are all the bugs i have found so far. My recommendations regarding this is to stay away from pvp. It is too bugged to make it valid for fair pvp. Being the Warlock when it's so bugged in a pvp match would give the Warlock disadvantages i mean.

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