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Hello =] Why are all talking about Issues here.

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Just a question I try wrap my tiny Lyn head around.


Would it not much nicer if there was a sub forum under bugs called "Various issues" or something.

I think its kinda unattractive to see it in general chat (so high up on the forum) and maybe would put off a lot of Lyn's like myself who do not have any real issues ;>

Or is it a standard thing to have these issues posted in general chat o.O..

(Not trying to say there is none, I know there is. But I don't think its cool to see the first thing you notice is "PROBLEM PROBLEM" warnings)


Now I go back to spy on humans! Bai Bai! :D

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The function of a forum is for people to vent their anger. Imagine we wouldn't have forum. NCsoft would be bombarded with perhaps 20x the tickets they have right now.


Your proposal is a kind of cencorship. The general forum is for topics that are of the uttermost importance for the players. If you would pack all problem threads into a subforum for not to be seen obviously, you would only anger the frustrated community more. People will feel not being taken serious at all, based on the action of  "being shoveled into a subforum".


The forum just mirrors the reality as it is. And usually the normal way is to change the reality which will have a positive resonance on the forums. Not build up a fake selective feedback.

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7 minutes ago, Celestine said:

The function of a forum is for people to vent their anger. Imagine we wouldn't have forum. NCsoft would be bombarded with perhaps 20x the tickets they have right now.


Your proposal is a kind of cencorship. The general forum is for topics that are of the uttermost importance for the players. If you would pack all problem threads into a subforum for not to be seen obviously, you would only anger the frustrated community more. People will feel not being taken serious at all, based on the action of  "being shoveled into a subforum".


The forum just mirrors the reality as it is. And usually the normal way is to change the reality which will have a positive resonance on the forums. Not build up a fake selective feedback.



I don't think we can call it censorship. There are plenty of other forums out there with issues and such in a separate category to help with organization. NCsoft will have a clear spot to go to for any problems as well. I doubt they'll just go "alright, now we don't have to see the problems with the game anymore" after implementing this. I also doubt people will get frustrated with having their problems moved to a more clear spot so they aren't mixed with other topics.


All in all, I think this will prove more beneficial than you're trying to suggest.

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9 minutes ago, BusterBlader said:


All in all, I think this will prove more beneficial than you're trying to suggest.

I've been quite long around in different forums. From my experience, it's a bad idea to hide the most important issues at hand.


Keep in mind that people who invest time to make those "rant" threads are actually people who care for the game. Those who dont care have gone long ago. Those who care want to improve something, change something. They come up with ideas, with improvements, with solutions, with support. Just read the threads on page one. You will find plenty of ideas.


Now I'll come back to the original idea. There's someone caring for a topic, investing time, ideas, solutions. And you just ignore him, put him into the back of you subforums and proclaim it "organizational forum restructuration due to better overview". Those people see that you got the manpower and time to move their thread into a subforum but obviously NCsoft is not investing manpower and time into the real problem (e.g. counter the indian marriage spam). Do you still think the priority is set right?

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I'm not trying to censor anything or hide it, it's good the issues are brought up to light!

But Maybe not what I think is best to have in a general section, just another part of it forum like a "Tech/help" section, more dedicated to these things.


And I do stand by it's not very attractive to see first thing you do about a game, its not helping the community by the first thing people see when they read forum is issues and some may simply think "Oh not wort it, I personally didn't try the game due to I read reviews of this game was overrun by issues, lags crashes" and then tried it as IRL friends said it great, and I'm bug free and loving it.


It's not about taking anyone's issue away or ignoring them but putting them in a category dedicated for people who got issues with the game/client etc.

I'm personally one of many people who assist on other PC support forums to aid people with problems, so I personally would like to see them more (collected) on one spot) not just mixed around.

If anyone played YS Online a few years ago they will know me from there due to I solved a issue with western peoples computers not having Windows Data Exrcution Prevention settings turn right to be able to run the game.

and that was a tremendous amount of people who just had this issue and no devs could find a solution until I posted about it.

But anyways, point is people do care, moving a post to a part of another section if its posted at wrong spot or referring them to use a proper help section of a forum does not make the post less worthy of a reply or view..... I don't get that idea how it would deem their post less of value.

As The Young Turks on youtube would say "OF COURSE" to  Keep in mind that people who invest time to make those "rant" threads are actually people who care for the game.  It's obviously someone who wish to have the same game experience as we who do not have any issue does.


I'm just proposing a dedicated tech/support part on the forum and not just "bedbugs".

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Funny... on on hand I agree with the fact that having all the rants on general thread make them more visible and hopefully more likely to be addressed. Ironic since the greatest harm to the game, the people trying to profit off of it using bots and selling in game items, faces the same issue of trying to get their message out for all to see. 


On the other I am very much opposed to the idea that, "The function of a forum is for people to vent their anger." The OP is proof that this is not the case and he's hardly alone. The purpose of a forum is establish a community for a game outside of the game itself. Rants about important issues are a part of that, but by no means the major player. What would be the perfect situation is to have that sub-forum for all these issues, but also have them actually responded to. As it is, I don't know. Like you say, it's important for the issues to be heard. But OPs got a point to. Despite being the best billboard, general discussion is not the best place for it. 

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well, the general forums is where people can talk about anything related to bns. and there's a lot more reader here compared to the other sub forums. so this is where people vent their frustration to get the most attention

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