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How to deal with blade dancers as kfm ?


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They usually open with a stun that i cant avoid ... they dash and it pierces my counter ( i checked  their skills and i dont see any spell that does that  and yet i see it every game )

That means that i start each round with 80% hp and that is if they fail the tech chasse  in that case i m at 60% or lower before even starting to fight .

How do i prevent that ?

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The skill you're describing sounds like Flying Sparrow, a dash-stun that can only be used while windwalking. Best way to avoid this is simply by jumping as (afaik) it can only be used on a target standing on the ground. You want to try and get them in combat so they cannot use this skill.

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1 hour ago, Zeykes said:

The skill you're describing sounds like Flying Sparrow, a dash-stun that can only be used while windwalking. Best way to avoid this is simply by jumping as (afaik) it can only be used on a target standing on the ground. You want to try and get them in combat so they cannot use this skill.

Correction: Jumping doesn't help avoid Flying Sparrow sadly since it can still be used on you; at least in most cases for me.

Best way to to prevent is either:

1. Spec your C into Tier 4, Form 3 and attempt to start off with that before the BD can run.

2. Start off with spamming Counter and hope you're able to counter it.

or 3. Use Ice Sheath from the start.

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Hey bud. I play BM, and we have the exact same skill, Flying Sparrow.


To counter Flying Sparrow, you have to understand the skill. Flying Sparrow will hit you in your back, and if it connects from the back, it will stun. What you must do, is predict the move, turn 180 degrees so your back is to the opponent, and parry block it from behind.


There you go! You just countered Flying Sparrow. However, all the BD has to do is recognize this and use a different skill that hits from the front like Rush, to counter your counter.


Good luck!

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