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Bots and Goldhunters killing this game


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It is weekend time and the goldhunters and bots are out in full force. Somehow other games have managed to 'manage' this type of thing, obviously these guys have not or simply don't care or sponsor them!


Example is that quest with the Woombah get his banana quest. You can stand there all day but with you are a bunch of ssswfzdtr orskdidgggg or kjjfhfkkkd and such and always getting him. After an hour I just gave up. it is sooooo easy to spot these pigs! I simply don't accept that nothing can be done about them!


Giving up for now and going to BD. Glad there are other games, soon Dark Soul 3

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Either i'm blind or this is not happening on windrest. Sure, the occasional chat spammer and i'm pretty sure that there are bots farming quarz and arena - even tho, also never saw one. Not saying that this isnt happening tho, but they said they are working on it and whether we believe them or not, that's all they can say to us.


Bots aside.. why are goldhunters a problem. Basically every player is a goldhunter, i mean, what else to do in an mmorpg? xD

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