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Mushin's 8th floor - Destroyer problem


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Friend of mine have hard time in 8F as Destroyer. Do some Destroyers have some advices, builds or strategies for 8th floor, all 3 phases.

He has Awakened Pirate weapon, Awakened siren accessories, mixed BSH and Endless tower Bopae

I never played Destroyer, so i cant help him. I try to google and youtube some videos, but with no luck or videos from other servers with different HP and maybe stats and mechanics on boss.

Iam counting on u guys. Thx:)

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I have the exact same gear.

Spec blitz for 3 second stun, knee for 3 second daze, shield for 3 second stun.

1st phase i'll let him figure out himself (it really should be no problems if he attempt it 3-5 times tbh)

For 2nd and 3rd phase: after the initial grab use blitz then fury + smash and continue with LMB-RMB anicancel spam, during the anicancel you want to keep him stunned with ram and stone shield. Shorty after your combo he will sidestep you, use knee after the sidestep and continue with to deal damage and CC him drag and then axe sweep, directly after axe sweep pick him up and quickslam him (quickslam=3 points into power slam).

As the fight progresses you shouldn't use ram and stone shield to CC him since they have long CD and you want to keep them for when you use fury, blitz is ok to use. Whenever your blitz+fury+smash+ram+stoneshield are off CD try opening with a blitz to stun him, if the blitz gets resisted wait a few seconds/until the resist ends and do ram instead, if he gets stunned you just do your normal combo, fury+smash+ram+stoneshield or fury+smash+stoneshield+knee or drag if you had to use ram for first stun.

Whenever he does his fire aoe use a 6 second damage resist pot and just keep anicancelling him until its about to end, just before it ends SS away so you won't stand in the fire on the ground, if you have drag use that to get him away from the fire, otherwise wait until he comes to you.

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I've cleared it yesterday (finally figured out a way), I dont have HM ember, what the previous said about stun-locking him is very true, he'll need to spec into the 3 second stun/daze abilities, also, he can buy the 6 seconds resist potion to be able to dish more dmg in when he does aoe phase, I've figured it out by the timing its about 6 seconds from the time he casts the first wave, popping Fury + resist potion during that phase is great since mushin isnt moving and its free dmg, you can also use food's to increase abilities, I've personally used the 20% more hp food in this one, here's my vid:





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Theres a few things you wanna know:


Mushin 1 and 2 are pretty easy as destroyer. Theyre basically just dps checks.


Mushin 3 is the real problem.


Every 20% hp you knock from him, he will give you a attack buff. If you aren't killing him fast enough, he will also use an ice attack where he floats into the air. 


Unlike on other versions, you cannot pull him away when he goes to the center to use his fire attack. So, you can either pop a kaoliang ju or wait it out.


After cc'ing mushin twice, he will resist the next CC. So wait a bit after you cc him twice to cc him again.


After you throw him down, he will always use a whirlwind trinket daze. You can just parry this and continue with wrath. 


My friend has 454 att pwr 56% crit plus HM stomp; he barely finished with 10s left. I personally have 440 att an have not beat him (but i have on my 360 att pwr FM... go figure >.>)

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He's a piece of shit boss is what he is... NCsoft rly outdid themselves this time... not even 4 man boses are as punishing as this thing... srsly? he ALWAYS ONE SHOT ME!!! How the *cricket* does this count as a single player dungeon if u get fckn one shotted by boss if u make 1 mistake....


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Hello my destroyer friends,


i cleared 8-3 day one with max gear and about 56 crit chance. One nice tip is save either leap or ram when he jumps to the middle. You can cc him, grab him and pull him away from the middle and it provides you with extra dps. I usually clear with about a minute or two left depending on my crits. Also, it helps to grab the blue resist potions and use them while he does his initial aoe around himself so you can keep attacking. And for using your stuns, don't use them during fury except for the  knee which gives the daze for your smash. Just be a destroyer and yolo it. Your health regen should cover any damage you take from him. Cheers :)


- Berserker

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