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FM cant beat BM, BD, SINS


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Well, this is so annoying, there are no chance to beat them (BM, BD, SINS) as FM. They stuns you+airbone+attack , you escape from stun/daze/knockdown but the skill has 30 sec cooldown and they keeps doing stun+airbone+attack combos every 5 seconds and srsly there are nothing you can do, you freeze/paralyze them but they escapes it and... spams stun+airbone+attack again...  Is useless using parry piercing to attack them cuz they can spam stun+airbone everytime when focus... You dashes to make distance, is useless, they jumps to you and again stun+airbone+stun combos.

The only thing i can beat are Destroyers, Summoners (sometimes), FMs... But when i face against BM or BD or SIN im going AFK cuz there are nothing you can do seriously.


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It is possible to beat them, obviously. No matchup has a guaranteed outcome, everyone can be outplayed. There are ways to get past BM's block, ways to focus starve BD, ways to completely shut down assassins. These same classes are brought up so often that I'm just gonna tell you to dig in and read some topics on this forum and/or search via google. There's an abundance of tips in text and video.

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and yes, i was watching a tons of arena videos and tips, also tournaments in korea, but the most of videos in youtube (for example) are videos that FMs getting rekt by BM,BD,SIN, there are only very few videos that FMs beating someone just on korean tournament videos like player Jaesung he is good with FM, but how it can be possible? 70% of searching videos FMs getting rekt, other 30% FMs beating someone.

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BM and BD i agree with Sin is actually the reverse FM>Sin as of right now its not impossible to win but incrediably difficult, Fms right now are for lack of a better word countered by summ BM BD and KFM and u could say des but its not as bad as b4

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i think there are a few unbalances between FMs and BM,BD,SIN, they got ranged (proyectiles) resist skills they resists all the whole proyectile attacks and parry piercing is usleless bcuz they jumps to you and stun+attack+airbone combo and its same as nothing ... The only skills that FM have is the frozen statue, skills avoiding states, skills that blocks melee states when u hit them with some skills with very lack time. I think that FMs should have melee basic attack resist skills, same as BM/BD/SIN they got proyectile range attack resist...


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summoner does not counter FM, swap your veil from the moving one to the heal on resist, longer ranged grip and stay in your veil and grip them when they petal. Blade dancer swap to frost tornado. The healing veil also heals you when they knock you up if you are standing in it. Blade masters are a bit tougher but spec into defense break snowball

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FMs will get a melee counter + ranged block to impact [1] but it is a HM skill so just have to wait for that. This changes impacts cooldown from instant to 1 sec.


Most assassin are quite easy to beat as FM, hit their counter with a snowball specced to cancel defensive skills, use your shields when they resist everything (or q/e). Spam your 1, or hit them with 2 or fire tab when they are on stealth, sometimes you'll get them out (harder with lag). If they use that smokescreen to block ranged attacks, use 2 or grab. Also learn their timings, I think its 6sec after they go to stealth that they have to do something to get back. Time your q/e or shields for these. Their counter has 8 sec cooldown.


Blade dancers actually just resist most status effects while spinning. You can hit them 0.5 sec after they start the animation to deal dmg without getting deflected, also feel free to use frost fury and frost dragon whenever since they go through deflects. Frost tornado disables their spin for 4 sec. BD's usually throw their sword whenever they can. It doesn't do much to you, but its actually their best focus recovery, and they do run out of focus pretty fast if they just keep spinning. Divine veil blocks this even during air combo (at least the moving one does). You can also block it with impact [1]





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BM/BD/SINS resist projectile attacks, then you use frost tornado to break their resist, but is useless they get resist again after 5 seconds, and frost tornado cooldown is 30 seconds aproximately... while they are resisting the attacks you cant freeze them (vital state attack of FMs), u cant freeze them and they starts stun/attack/airbone combos when they want. U try use phantom grip, they escapes it very easily, u try to stun them... u need to try hit them to get 1 success stun. I think FMs should have more and effective crowd control abilities cuz is mage type class, in the most of games, the mages are the god of crowd control, But no... here the god of crowd control in a battle are the warriors...

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11 hours ago, KimChii said:

BM/BD/SINS resist projectile attacks, then you use frost tornado to break their resist, but is useless they get resist again after 5 seconds, and frost tornado cooldown is 30 seconds aproximately... while they are resisting the attacks you cant freeze them (vital state attack of FMs), u cant freeze them and they starts stun/attack/airbone combos when they want. U try use phantom grip, they escapes it very easily, u try to stun them... u need to try hit them to get 1 success stun. I think FMs should have more and effective crowd control abilities cuz is mage type class, in the most of games, the mages are the god of crowd control, But no... here the god of crowd control in a battle are the warriors...


I see you're just here to whine and don't actually want to get better at the game.  That's cool though, I like to whine as well.  Let's be friends and whine about things together!  You whine about how bad you are at the game, I'll whine about how bad I'm at the game, and then I'll whine about how we're whining about how we're bad.  Then, someone else can whine about how much we're whining!  Meanwhile, we won't try to improve, because if we did we wouldn't have anything to whine about.  Oh noes!

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