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Hello, I'm new to B&S. I have just downloaded the game for a few hours but for some reasons I can't get the game started.

After entering my PIN, I got a notification as "Disconnected from sever. systemErr - (2000: Character login Failure) NetworkErr - (132) WSALastErr - (10054)" <I live in Rus, EU>

Searched on google but couldn't find out any solution. Are we having a Maintenance at the moment?   


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5 hours ago, AllanMcColl said:

Hello, I'm new to B&S. I have just downloaded the game for a few hours but for some reasons I can't get the game started.

After entering my PIN, I got a notification as "Disconnected from sever. systemErr - (2000: Character login Failure) NetworkErr - (132) WSALastErr - (10054)" <I live in Rus, EU>

Searched on google but couldn't find out any solution. Are we having a Maintenance at the moment?   



Hey AllanMcColl,


We have a few things you can try here: https://support.bladeandsoul.com/hc/en-us/articles/207539973-Game-Disconnects


If those don't work, please put in a Support Ticket so that our team can take a look.


Thank you!

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