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This is getting pretty serious


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1 minute ago, Niskka said:

well aren't you kind :3 too bad there are a lot of people that buys cheap stuff in market and resells them higher these days or people being shady and sells them on market for high price since free? unless you're talking about giving free stuff to friends/clan members you know that needs it? cause people can say "i need that!" but don't actually do ._. I have had that happened couple times so far and never see the things they use it to craft ._. 

I do it at randoms as well though mostly, if I do it at random, this will result in my having to choose who I think really needs it most so I just mainly judge them based on their character profile. That function certainly helps make it easier. If I could ban people who afk/bot/exploit from participating in auctions, I would do so without regret. 

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11 minutes ago, JinRoh said:

In Korea NCSofts banns Player for exploiting  stuff like this.

Espaccally if some runs this to get fast the moonstone tears - 1 to 2 g each run.

It would not surprise me to see a lot of bans here.

Just because you spent money on this doesnt mean you may use exploit/ glitches/ bugs etc.

So if you do this do it on your own risk, but dont complain about if your account will be bant.




Oh NCKorea oh dear NCkorea how NCWest should be like you :D but i do agree to go at your own risk, just wait in the room and people start hacking and slashing, to go through a whole dung go for it, if people starts to exploit well apparently they give no care about it :D I have seen that happens so many times LOL it's quite funny actually

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Actually now i think about the more I do dailies each day the more I have seen people doing it which makes me LOL even more....Justice must be served! lmao give us the option to ban and exploit people just as you gave us the option to block/report spammer bots! lel... yet they still keep coming....those spammer bots...smh

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