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Something needs to be done about gold spammers.


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This is becoming beyond ridiculous. I can understand the game having problems with gold spammers but the fact that NCsoft does not seem to be doing anything about it boggles my mind. Every time I log on I have to ignore atleast 6 bots just to make faction or region chat readable. Sunday, Feb 21st saw a bot being able to fill my chat boxes with system messages that couldn't be disabled and there was no way to see this bots name so my chat boxes were screwed. Today? I report a gold spammer and my game crashes and I cannot log onto the character until I do a full system reboot? This is getting way out of hand.


Sorry, had to rant.

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If everyone buys from Ctrl C and not the spammers, the spammers won't have any reason to be there. Maybe include a notification for first-time users that the only official way to buy gold is with Ctrl C? Idk all you'd need is a little window popping up with a "don't show this again" checkbox that alerts potential buyers that the option is there. 


Even if the ctrl c market gets flooded by gold farming bots, let's face it: they're not after your hongmoon coins. They want your credit card info. 

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Yeah spam needs to be dealt with. But i keep hearing about people crashing, my game crashed once since I started playing and it was on the 2nd day of release. I have a basic PC build, and a decent wired connection. Don't get like 90% of these game issues I keep hearing about. 

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System messages?  That's a new one, haven't seen that yet.


And incidentally, it's flagrantly untrue that they are doing nothing to stop the problem.  There have been numerous attempts, and it gets better for a bit, then gets bad again.


Annoyingly though, An algorithm that simply simplifies any character to it's closest lower case alpha only ascii form, and squelches any message with a .com would still handle 99% of the spam I'm seeing.  Which seems like it should have been their first step.

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