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Blade Master Soul Shield


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Hello, I am currently using the Moonwater dueling shield all infused with a good amount of crit. Since bloodshade came out along with mushins, I don't know what set to do. I see people with full Mushins/Bloodshade or a mixture of each together. What's the best set to use or how many of each should I put together.

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I think its 10-15% Pierce for PvE and at the very least 100% accuracy (I'm not sure about the level difference, but I'm gonna guess its 5% per level over you).


Using full BSH (which is the best overall for PvE) and awakened infernal accesories you have more than enough of both. Mushin has more HP and defensive stats and at this point you should just hold off for God of War bopae on March 2nd. If its anything like what it was before, it should have massive HP and some defensive stats. Basically, a better mushin set.

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